Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Re: Community Mental Health Board Meeting


Where will this event be at and what is the address?

Thank you.

Mark A. Clements
Chicago Torture Justice Center 
773-962-0395 Office
773-587-4687 Cellphone

On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 1:05 PM Ellen Corley <> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chicago Mental Health <>
Date: Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 12:49 PM
Subject: Community Mental Health Board Meeting
To: chicagomentalhealth <>

Community Mental Health Board Meeting
Monday, August 19, 2019, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Fwd: Community Mental Health Board Meeting

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chicago Mental Health <>
Date: Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 12:49 PM
Subject: Community Mental Health Board Meeting
To: chicagomentalhealth <>

Community Mental Health Board Meeting
Monday, August 19, 2019, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Fwd: Email about frustration with Corrupt Prosecutors of widespread systemic Central Park 5 type crime & announcing my candidacy for running as an Honest Democratic Republican

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ellen Corley <>
Date: Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 1:06 PM
Subject: Fwd: Email about frustration with Corrupt Prosecutors of widespread systemic Central Park 5 type crime & announcing my candidacy for running as an Honest Democratic Republican
To: Ellen Corley <>, <>

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: JEFF  STROM <>
Date: June 22, 2019 at 3:06:22 PM CDT
To: Ellen Corley <>
Cc:, Paul Hamann <>
Subject: Re: Email about frustration with Corrupt Prosecutors of widespread systemic Central Park 5 type crime & announcing my candidacy for running as an Honest Democratic Republican

Hi Ellen !
Thanks for the email.

On Fri, Jun 21, 2019, 8:27 PM Ellen Corley <> wrote:

Sent from my iPhoneMy private investigation into this as an independent citizen investigator and research analyst focusing on stopping public political and police corruption, misconduct and the para-political military industrial political media takeover of the United States Government by the Fascist Deep State that essentially was a secret / classified military coup of the US people and all the Democratic people of the world by a covert NATO Gladio Team B agreement after War II between the Western Powers orchestrated by the Allan Dulles - the First Director of the CIA with Reinhard Gehlen, who was Hitler's Head of Intelligence against the Russians (who we thereby betrayed our allies who did the most to defeat the Nazis) and who Dulles made into the first Director of the West German version of the CIA which was first called the Gehlen Group and now called the BND. 

The reason I say this is that my observations over the last ten years that I have been researching the way policing and mass incarceration is done in the US and the world has led me to see that the way the Jussie Smollett case and the Jon Burge Torture cases and the Central Park Five cases and an estimated one third of the cases of the million of the mass incarcerated who were wrongfully prosecuted, convicted and incarcerated based on their being identified as being members of a targeted group that a corrupt Homeland Security Force, ICE or police state prosecutors identified as bring likely to either be a victim of or a perpetrator of a terrorist crime. This idea of surveilling and wrongfully  prosecuting and rigging trials of innocent vulnerable young men and women for crimes they did not commit without an honest 

investigation or prosecution is a Nazi political repression technique that was used in the Third Reich and it has been a classified dirty little secret that these militarized police forces and our justice system are actually not there to serve and protect the people as required by our Constitution, but in fact they answer to a parapolitical Deep State that was put in place by the National Security Act of 1947 at the end of World War II by a corrupt transnational vast right wing conspiracy committed to a new world order of Fourth Reich and who have empowered their secret police and intelligence agencies to keep this secret using propaganda and misinformation and fake news through their take over and censorship of the media which they made legal through their backing of politicians who agree to sign on to their Contract with America types of legislation that subverts the Democratic Republican legislation as Thomas Jefferson defined it and replaces it with a pre/constitutional state's rights "Federalist" or "originalist" legal system that only protects the oligarchs and supply side and always rules against the hard won civil rights laws put in place to protect the people which their propaganda spins as being socialism or communism or anarchism. 

The reason I am adamant about all this is that I believe that it is only by exposing the reality of how this Gestapo policing has played out in terms of the patterns and practices that has led to millions of innocent people being wrongful convicted that we can achieve a kind of great awakening that is needed to free the innocents and convict the thousands of guilty corrupt police and prosecutors who are living with fear of breaking the "code of silence" which is known to result in Cosa Nostra style retaliation.

The reason I am bringing this up now is that i have been personally working with the mothers of victims of the wrongfully convicted for the last five year - many of whom were tortured by detectives trained by notorious Jon Burge into signing confessions and wrongfully testifying against others - and what I have come to see is the problem is that the evil pattern and practice is being perpetuated by a police department that actually staged these kinds of high profile cases like Jussie Smolletts in order to terrorize the Cook County States Attorneys like Kim Foxx with negative threatening propaganda campaigns so that she will be too afraid to prosecuting the powerful police state prosecutors and police officers and judges who commit the crimes and the elected Alderman and Mayors who have never even tried to put in Human Resource policies and systems that could easily reform the system if they hadn't been elected to keep the corrupt system in place.

Basically, what I have come to see is that the structural injustice of the justice system in Chicago fits the exact same pattern and practice of the injustice of the system at the Federal and International level as well as at the personal and political level. 

Basically, what we have a cultural problem that was waged upon us and divided us from each other by an evil planned totalitarian Psychological Operation called the strategy of tension.  The person most researchers have traced this  this divide and conquer PsyOp back to was Hitler's "Crown Jurist" Legal strategist, Carl Schmitt, who came up with the Machiavellian political philosophy behind the Third Reich which he exported to the US through through covertly CIA funded think tanks and media channels like the National Review, Encounter, and other foundations which were funded with billions from the privatized banks like the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury to push their supply side philosophy under the white washed double think names of the  neoconservatives, consisting of people like Leo Strauss, Paul Wolfowitz, and PNAC planners of 9/11 and the War on Terror like Bill Kristol, James Burnham, James Buchanan (written about by NancyMacLean in Democracy in Chains) and the Neoliberal movement - consisting of people like Milton Friedman and Allan Greenspan and Ayn Rand and Paul Ryan who were charged with rationalizing the philosophy of  libertarian takeover of the government treasury with one sided and actually a NeoFascist Big Lie that all we need is achieve economic prosperity is to remove all regulations restraining big monopolist corporations and bankers and lawyers (which they call the supply side) from taking over their markets and polluting the planet markets and leaving the people with chronic unemployment. 

Although LaRouche himself was falsely imprisoned in order to silence him and his books are heavily suppressed in the media, I have found that he and those trained by LaRouchePAC like Webster Tarpley and David Livingstone have been particularly valuable as actual intelligence on who exactly are the leaders of this Cabal. 

Unfortunately, in my many years of researching who this people are, I have come to see that it is difficult for a historiographer or intelligence analyst to break up this Cabal because most people who haven't personally been victimized by them as I and other whistleblowers have been, are either too intimidated by them or too brainwashed by the media censorship into not believing that the US / UK/ Israeli/ NATO / Western powers and the all the Police departments associated with them that could be evil or sadistic or Nazi enough to wage war on, enslave, or falsely imprison millions of innocent men, women and children as a policy of state sponsored terrorism.  The truth is that our state is a terrorist state that uses false flag terrorist attacks on ourselves like 9/11 and the attack on the USS Liberty and the attack on Pearl Harbor to terrorize us into submitting to their military takeover.

And it is working for them. But, as Lincoln said, before he was assassinated by the same Illuminati banking forces because he was questioning the idea of paying the high interest rates the International banks demanded for the public war debt, "you can fool some of the people all of the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time" and I think the best way to expose the corrupt prosecutors behind these police crimes at this point in time is to expose the Prosecutors and Police Detectives like the ones in Central Park Five and Ava DuVernay's dramatic retelling of it in the new Netflix Series "When they See Us" who falsely prosecuted innocent people and are still denying it and covering it up in the media while continuing to prosecute them.

What I see that I am determined to get the world go see is that the exact same pattern and practice is being practiced in Chicago where we are seeing the Special Prosecutor, Robert Milan, whose private law practice is being paid millions to defend the City of Chicago from liability by

continuing to falsely convict and imprison them even when after it has been proven in court that they were forced to confess just like the Central Park Five were. 

The bottom line is we need a regulated Just Justice System and we need a regulated media that covers these stories the way they were covered by the broadcast media - in a fair and accurate way that puts issues of public concern into the headlines with context and spin that enables the public to respond with outrage to issues of Fascist police state corruption that has resulted in an estimated 1/3 of the incarcerated bring left in prison and enabled corrupt politicians and prosecutors to get away with intimidating honest police, defense lawyers and prosecutors from speaking out like Serpico did about who the real criminals and terrorists are at the very top of party system that assassinated John F Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and that did Pearl Harbor and 9/11 and Sandy Hook and the latest attacks they are blaming on the Iranians because the pattern and practice that at least 50 percent of the people know is they commit state crimes against democracies and blame it on the "other" and it works ... some of the time ... if we let them continue to get away with it because we are too afraid to stand up and call them out for who they are! 

As was found in the excellent HumanRightsWatch report on Chicago, the corruption is the Cover up of the fact that that have not made a single attempt to reform their on-going pattern and practice of actual KuKluxKlan practices in the police and covered up by their Mafia La Cosa Nostra FOP Mossad trained militarized police practices and cover-up by the media with billions of stolen TIF monies taken from the schools and social services and families that desperately need and deserve a minimum level of welfare in the richest country in the world.

Frankly, this is why I am herein announcing that I am running for President as a Democratic Republican like Jefferson and Lincoln and Reagan were and my parents  are and I used to be before I saw how corrupt they are politically.  Most Republicans don't see that part of the story because they are getting the spinned misinformation from Fox News.

I could use all the support I can get from people who will stand up with me to fight for needed reform and right regulation. 

As my father and stepmother have told me, if God wants me to win, I will win. From their lips to God's ears. Let's give peace a chance!

#NotMyPresident #BlackLivesMatter #NoJusticeNoPeace #SixteenShotsandaCoverUp #RefuseFascism #DemocraticNationalParty #RepublicanNationalParty @SenateGOP @RealDonaldTrump @BarackObama @PeterDaleScott

@JimO'Donnell @TomCorley @LukeMatthews @CAARPR @MarkClements