Unquiet Graves
@EllenCorley’s post on need for a required #UN #ICC legislation focusing on Security Council member and all other members prohibiting collusion between state security service local police collusion sent with evidence of collusion problem demonstrated in documentary Unquiet Graves 7-13-20.docx
I thought I would pass this on to a range of investigators who I would like to pull together in an investigative consortium process.
I was inspired recently watching a few movies and documentaries on Amazon Prime “personalized” around “people who liked this also watched this” and in the process. I noticed the common theme which was that that the investigators in multiple contexts around the world have established that that there was a common pattern and practice wherein there were hawkish security services like NATO/ CIA/ FBI/ KGB/ MI5/ MI6/ SAVAK/ SISME in collusion with the local police – thereby giving both plausible deniability.
In the process of watching a particularly good documentary called “Unquiet Graves” which I highly recommend, it finally dawned on me that the term “collusion” – a term that Donald Trump says was not found by Mueller – essentially refers to “state security forces like MI5, MI6, CGHQ, CIA, FBI, Interpol – “colluding” with the local police and the prosecutors in order to cover up / get plausible deniability for their illegal or unlawful use of “classified” military police “counterinsurgency” “sources and methods” like torturing informants using the prohibited Reid Methods and false flag types of targeted killings to divide and conquer the insurgents into a civil war so that the colonizer can politically repress the targeted population/ enemy – even if they are civilians or citizens of the nation itself.
This is why I am writing this now to suggest that it would be useful to bring together an independent commission to review the need to investigate whether the countries currently in the
UN Security Council are in fact all hiding the fact that they are all committing crimes against humanity against their own people and covering it up by their all conveniently hiding behind their claims that they don’t have laws against collusion and therefore be able to using “plausible deniability” to cover up their crimes against “insurgency” by their own people.
The objective of bringing together a team of international criminal investigators like we see in the documentary, Unquiet Graves, people like Anne Cadwalladr, would be to develop international criminal law that closes the loopholes and connects the dots with an independent UN International Criminal Court ICC Prosecutors Management Information System using the original Inslaw PROMIS system so that we can develop enforceable anti-collusion agreements and treaties and stop the CIA/ MI6/ Mossad/ KGB/ SAVAK/ China/ Mafia State / other Rogue State counterintelligence covert operations from waging dirty wars on their own populations as they have been doing with “plausible deniability since the Truman was tricked by Dulles and Gehlen into signing the National Security Act of 1947 which must be torn to pieces and thrown to the wind as Kennedy said he would do, which is why Dulles ordered Kennedy’s targeted assassination.
Another excellent movie for “connecting the dots” on this for me was one by Ken Loach called “Hidden Agenda” in which a civil rights lawyer leading an investigation into the Northern Ireland “Troubles” gets an incriminating cassette from a Republican whistleblower who had worked with England/ UK’s version of the US FBI called MI5 planting illegal public relations smear campaigns into the news to hurt the “Tory” “conservatives’ opposition in the liberal and labor parties.