Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Part II Nazis Infiltrate the World! It's True!

First Defense Legal - Incommunicado


Chicago's largest street gang, CPD!!!


Thursday, October 1, 2020, 7AM until 7PM

5100 S. Wentworth Ave.

Chicago, IL 


So many black and brown men and women have been literally victimized as the result of incommunicado detentions and interrogations across this nation. Vulnerable kids are often the victims, not to forget to mention those who suffer from mental illness. At the age of 16 years old in 1981, I found the practice of incommunicado detention to be one that allows police to be as coercive toward the weak as they desire. I also found it to be a weapon of psychological torture to force kids to confess to crimes they never committed. This has happened in this City, in the State and nation more than anyone would like to believe.


Incommunicado detention and interrogation lead to.wrongful conviction and police torture. Safeguards must be implemented to best protect the accused from police misconduct which cost the city of Chicago over 100 million dollars yearly. What if detectives such as John Burge,  Michael Kill, John McCann, and James O'Brien were obligated by law to provide the accused with access to a telephone and attorney within an hour of their arrest. It would have hindered Burge, and other detectives from carrying out their acts of systematic torture. 


People who are victimized by egocentric police officers with motives to abuse and violate the accused constitutional rights' have gotten away with barbaric behavior that have contributed to many wrongful convictions. To best safeguard the accused civil liberties and rights', they must be provided with access to telephones and attorneys within an hour after being placed in police custody. 


Go to Twitter on Wednesday', September 30, 2020 and October 1, 2020 and tell Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot to have a heart and safeguard you, your love one's and the community by ending incommunicado detentions and interrogations by enacting new policy and laws that make it mandatory for all accused suspects taken into police stations to be provided access to a telephone and attorney. Tweet Lori and c'c others.


Mayor Lori Lightfoot @chicagomayor


Chicago Sun-Times @kathychaney


WGN news @WGNNews


ABC 7 news @ABC7Chicago


Fox 32 news @fox32news


Chicago Torture Justice Center @chitorture


Black Lives Matter - Chicago @BLMChi


Mark Clements @Prisonspeaks

Saturday, September 26, 2020

The End Times Alliance with Israeli News Live

The Choice

Friday, September 25, 2020

Late Show Correspondent Triumph The Insult Comic Dog Hosts A Focus Group...

A Message to New "Conspiracy Theorists"

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Glenn Greenwald on Reality Winner Controversy and Asking Trump to Pardon...

I am trying to organize a legal team to figure out how to exercise we the people’s rights to honest government.  The attached is one of many documents I have received from Bill and Nancy Hamilton and my own research that I believe is smoking gun evidence that our current government has been captured in a coup d’erat of a Nazi Fascist invisible empire/ New World Order/ 4th Reich/ Deep state shadow government.  This cabal - as Jake Morphonios has connected to QAnon CFR CIA are all using the Inslaw PROMIS software to push for the re-election of Donald Trump.  We have to figure out how to stop this using the International criminal court - which we were wrongfully pulled from by these same corrupt Bush Sr. actors.  I am particularly trying to get through to @FrancisBoyle since he is an international law professor at the University who is being highly censored for being outspoken legal advocate with personal knowledge of the group also graduated from the University of Chicago law school where this cabal was spawned through protégées of the Nazi Leo Strauss who was connected to Hitler’s crown Jurist Carl Schmitt and the founders of Nazi economics disguised as Free market Libertarianism - Fredreich A  Hayek and Milton Friedman and Ayn Rand and Allan Greenspan who my stepfather Charles H. Brunie was a disciple of.  I want to work with people like Francis Boyle and Christopher Buckley because we have personal experience that can testify to the fact that these people were and are in fact part of a treasonous conspiracy that doesn’t admit or even acknowledge to themselves that their roots are in a Martin Bormann Nazi “trust” who beneficiaries have been exposed in a book by Paul Manning called Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile. I believe it is important that we connect the dots between these treasonous conspirators in terms of following the monies they have distributed amongst themselves using the derivatives of the Inslaw PROMIS system like Systematics which was the banking system used by Richard Brennecke to finance Osama Bin Laden according to many sources - most clearly, by investigative journalist, Gordon Thomas in the book, Robert Maxwell: Super Spy.  Bottom line is we need to organize this fast before this cabal’s tentacles are further unified in its ability to squeeze the life out of our public estate. Their only weapon is there ability to think they can fool all the people all the time. More will be revealed - if we reveal it and it is put on the headlines.  We have to get the censors out of government using power of the 4th amendment put into law nationally and internationally and globally and transnationally. Please contact me as to how we can organize. I am happy to organize this in a central location here in Chicago where I live at 1500 N LaSalle, 3D, Chicago, IL 60610, 312-371-5078 (cell) 312-664-2631 (ResearchWorksChicago home/ office) or @EllenCorley on Facebook and Twitter and others. I am also trying to improve my blog on blogger - Ellen Corley ResearchWorks. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

Trump Wants To Literally Rewrite American History To Brainwash Kids

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Deep State Orchestrating Election Chaos For Martial Law

Fwd: Need for investigation Any ideas? 9-12-20

Attached is a link to The FBI and CISPES - Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador-  a 143 pp Report of the July 1989 Select Committee Intelligence Report that provides details into an FBI operation against an innocent group based on a false allegation that had been made against them.  I think this is the pattern and practice that has been used by the FBI and the CIA and now Homeland Security and other government front groups like USAID, the World Anti-Communist League, and other that are being protected. The report says that they did not identify other illegal operations like this by counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism or abuses of the Foreign Agents Registration Act which is surprising since it seems to be an exact model of the notorious COINTELPRO operation that was exposed in papers found in the 1971 Media Pennsylvania break-in to a FBI office where a mulititude of documents were found exposing the FBI's illegal targeting of the Black Panthers, Martin Luther King, and other activist organizer groups advocating for government protection of violations on their human rights - the fundamental tole of a Constitutional democracy.  

My hope is that this document be forwarded to the Justice Department and FBI Inspector General's Office and the Office of Professional Responsibility - which is supposedly the inspector general group with the power to investigate criminality and ethics violations by the FBI and the Justice Department legal counsels.  We also need to get a sponsor in the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee to open a Select Committee investigation into the lack of investigation into the pattern and practice of the FBI using their budgeted allocations to finance these illegal and treasonous operations by the State against the people of the United States and those who need our protection on a universal and international human rights and civil rights basis.

I am attaching this FBI and CISPES report as well as the COINTELPRO report for you to please pass on to your contacts for them to pass on to their contacts with the power to open investigations into these organized institutional crimes against the people.

Please contact me to discuss this matter further.  It is critical that we do this before the election since there is evidence that the Pandemic itself is a covert biowarfare operation orchestrated by the same corrupt state actors in the FBI and the Justice Department.

My contact information in Chicago is Ellen Corley, 1500 N LaSalle, #3D, Chicago, IL 60610, 312-664-2631 (home/ office), 312-371-5079 (cell),,,, Facebook Twitter @EllenCorley 

The following is a link to the critical FBI and CRISPES article: 

I have attached the following link to an excellent documentary called COINTELPRO101.  I will attach other documents in subsequent documents. 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ellen Corley <>
Date: Sat, Sep 12, 2020 at 1:28 PM
Subject: Need for investigation Any ideas? 9-12-20
To: Ellen Corley <>

We need a Congressional investigation into this. Any suggestions how we can get that? Through Judiciary or Intelligence Committee? Will Covert CIA parapolitical censor it or us covert Zionist Mafia to terrorize those who dare to investigate? Which politicians are the Frank Church or Lyndon LaRouche or Paul Findley or Ron Paul if our time. If all parties have been captured, how can we demand honest services laws and Citizen protection act and fairness doctrine be invoked to demand deprivatization of our public estate and our airwaves and our Internet. We must demand an investigation into how William Barr spiked investigation made by a Elliot Richardson for William and Nancy Hamilton that proved that William Casey and Rafi Eitan and George H W Bush and Ed Meese and Earl Brian used the stolen Inslaw PROMIS software to steal and hide theft of campaign finance monies used by Reagan RNC through Casey and Meese and Brian and Bush who was CIA directors and then Clinton DNC through Rahm Emanuel who was the Covert Russian Israeli Jewish Nazi Mafia Red Mafya Mossad head of operations and head of North American Mossad that orchestrated and covered up 9/11 attack on World Trade Center and 2008 financial crisis and the current Plandemic as a way of waging economic genocide on the world who don't hold stock in their Wall Street corporate privatization fraud. We must demand an investigation into why there has been no investigation into the neoliberal neocon Libertarian Revisionist Zionist Sabbatean Frankist Jabotinsky Irgun Stern Group terrorists behind the PNAC and Netanyahu Bill Kristol and Carl Schmitt who was Nazi Fascist Third Reich Strategy of Tension Mossad Republican Party Campaign Finance Chair and CIA and Mossad and Robert Maxwell.  Cc: @AIIP

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, September 10, 2020

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Monday, September 7, 2020

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Chris Hedges on his latest book, America: The Farewell Tour

Friday, September 4, 2020

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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

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