Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Thom Hartmann Program Live (08/31/2021)

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Dr. Peter McCullough Interview - COVID Vaccine Agenda & The Rush To Supp...

Very informative, fair, and balanced recommendations by Dr. Peter McCullough regarding vaccines.  A few of the key insights I hadn't heard before are:
1- He warns that the Covid vaccine should NOT be given to pregnant mothers or babies because the gain-of-function spike protein could cause real harm and even genital malformation or death to the baby.  He cites example of a baby who was killed from breast milk of a mother with vaccine,
2- He does not recommend vaccine for people who have had COVID - because it would result in their having too much of an inoculation immunity effect in terms of anti-bodies, t-cells, etc.  He actually recommends that those who have had Covid or think they have get an anti-body and/or a t-cell test.
3-He doesn't recommend mandates for employers in general - and notes that employers who do mandate the vaccine should be aware that the vaccine only protects the person who gets it - not the other persons.  

This is a very dangerous misperception in pubic opinion that I believe should be the subject of a public outreach campaign paid for by the vaccine manufacturers who have been covertly abusing their surveillance power in the CIA, NSA, Facebook, Cambridge Analytica/ SCL Elections types of groups and their PNAC LEKEM Mossad Continuity of Government programs in place since Israel's Raphael Eitan and Robert Maxwell and CIA / Justice Department / Executive Order 12333 "above the law" immunity covert operations organized crime Super Spies William Casey, George HW Bush, Earl Brian stole the Inslaw PROMIS Main Core programsike Palantir, ECEHELON, PRISM,  the censorship of honest scientific criticism of the vaccine's and their use of censorship - and public relations disguised as news - a dangerous and grossly unethical marketing practice. 

I say this as a marketing researcher who has been astounded that their violations of the Marketing Research Associations basic rule not to employ direct marketing by disguising it as something else - a marketing research survey or - worse - a CIA covert psychological operation to control populations and sell vaccines by orchestrating a deception and denial false flag intelligence campaign to make it seem that the virus origin was "zoological or came from Wuhan - both of which are classic "nazi-era types of "big lies" of the kind that was commonly used by the Mossad and Hitler's Third Reich.
cc: Peter Phillips​ Mark Crispin Miller​ Peter Dale Scott​ Luke Matthews​ Sue Friedman​ Douglas Binkley​ Barbara Susman​ @JimO'Donnell Truth Jihad​ Progressive Democrats Demanding a new Congressional investigation of 9/11​ Fauci , Gates & Soros  to prison worldwide Resistance​ Colgate University Class of 1977​ Bronxville High School Friends​ Webster Tarpley​ Indivisible​ League of Women Voters of the U.S.​ Junior League​ William A Hamilton​ Alex Constantine​ Lydia Sandlund Aldredge​ Aislinn Sol​ National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression​

Kim Iversen: George W. Bush ENSURED War Will NEVER End, Biden USHERS In ...

Saturday, August 28, 2021

SATANISM!!! Tucker Carlson And Jason Whitlock Ponder The Inversion Of Re...

False Flag Weekly News 08/28/2021

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Chris Hedges | Bankers ROBBING AND ENSLAVING Us

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Criminal State - Part 1 of 3: A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism

Jeff Gates on the Criminal State 1

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Why we should blame Bush, Obama and their generals for Afghanistan's cat...

Daniel Sheehan: People have to be INSPIRED to STAND UP


Congress passes the 2021 NDAA, including $4 billion for Israel

Friday, August 20, 2021

Brave New World(1980)-Full Length Movie.mp4

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

NOW The Global Conflict Has Been Turned On YOU!

Thursday, August 12, 2021

JFK #13: The Torbitt Document - Johnson, Hoover, and the F.B.I.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Elizabeth Hart speaks at the 2018 Sydney Vaccination Conference

Sunday, August 8, 2021

American Blackout Documentary

Thursday, August 5, 2021

UNBELIEVABLE! Bill Gates Is Actually Trying This!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

HUGE: They're Going To Shut America Down AGAIN!

Sunday, August 1, 2021

9/11 Cover Up Director Appointed to Chair COVID Cover Up Group