Ed Haslam at JFK Assassination Conference, Dallas, 2019
Pelosi-Taiwan: An Easy Way Out for Biden: Biden may not be willing/able to order Pelosi around; he should be able to move the US navy.
Horrifying but important documentary. Must watch and share widely. cc: Peter Dale Scott Peter Phillips Doug Valentine Douglas Binkley Douglas Baker Luke Matthews John W. Whitehead Whitney Webb Abby Martin Naomi Klein Dr Naomi Wolf John Simkin Thierry Meyssan Kevin J Barrett Christopher Bollyn Christopher Mark Wingate Kathy Powers Joe Biden President Joe Biden John Pilger - johnpilger.com Roger Waters Clarity Press Tom Maloney Tom Durkin SCOTUSblog National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression Ellen Corley CODEPINK: Women For Peace Refuse Fascism Pope Francis FC Cynthia McKinney, PhD