Tuesday, August 22, 2023

No Money For Maui Without MORE Money To Ukraine First!

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Dr. Rashid Buttar THE CORONAVIRUS AGENDA What Media Don’t Want You to K...

Bronxville School Foundation Alumni Group Bronxville High School Friends NAACP NWSOFA Banana Republic United for Democracy Now Discussion Group Federal Communications Commission World Health Organization (WHO) Ellen Corley Mary Hutchings Reed American Marketing Association Max Blumenthal Pfizer Pirbright Romero Institute Daniel Sheehan Alex Jones Association of Independent Information Professionals (AIIP) SCIP China Doug Valentine Central Intelligence NATO Russia Ukraine #FortDetrick MD Anderson Cancer Center #MDAnderson Center for Investigative Reporting Reuters Reuters Asia Anne Guzzardi Barbara Susman St John Hunt Jon Rappoport Stella Assange Cheri Seymour William A Hamilton The Sixth Eye Jay Becker Paul Jay Teachers for Social Justice John W. Whitehead Alex Kotlowitz Matt Kennard Bill Gates League of Women Voters of the US

So... They F*cking Knew All Along