The FBI War on Tupac Shakur and Black Leaders
Great documentary - pass it on! We need all these to be free on YouTube and ideally, according to the law as the @US @JusticeDepartment Civil Rights Division should be administering it, the documentary filmmakers would be paid by reparations monies for the @FBI's @JusticeDepartment's criminal conspiracy to defraud and he public estate. I, Ellen Corley am staying with #WilliamPepper now where I'm trying to raise funds to help him be able to stay in this beautiful apartment connected to the All Souls Episcopal Church on 88 Saint Nichlas in South Harlem. In addition to helping his family with Bill Pepper's caregiving, I am taking in and archiving in his amazing library developed over his 86 year life writing and providing legal defense services and investigation services for James Earl Ray and Sirhan Sirhan and others which famously ended with a legal victory for Martin Luther King's family in their 1999 Tennessee case the family vs Loyd Jowers - a victory which the media covered up as they do all efforts for non-white citizens and civilians regardless of their sovereign place of birth to win justice or redress in US courts - local and Federal or International. If you want to donate to my ability to keep helping me mine Bill's library and mind while I still can and develop my self-education and possibly law school education to be an "activist lawyer" or "civil rights lawyer" and develop a school for activist lawyers out of Bill Pepper's "Salon for Social Progress" , please go to where Bill's good friend, @MattMetzgar and his son, @SeanPepper have developed a GoFundMe where $980 has been raised out of a $1,500 target. I believe we need to something similar for@PeterDaleScott in that he is now old and supposedly was hurt by Covid. I was on a small fundraiser for #PeterDaleScott last year and can imagine he needs more. I also want to find a way to raise funds to donate to and replicate the non-profit citizens prosecution model of the Romero Institute of Daniel Sheehan in the way his amazing lectures are captured on media where they can be accessed at and cc: Peter Phillips A Múmia (1932) David Talbot Peter Dale Scott Tupac Shakur Bob Marley: One Love Bob Marley Birthday Bash Negril Jimi Hendrix Park Foundation MLK Coalition For Jobs, Justice and Peace/ MLK Coalition of Greater LA Mumia Abu Jamal Afrika Porter Huey P. Newton Harry Belafonte William A Hamilton #stoppolicecrime National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression Mark Crispin Miller Hidden History Center Ella Baker Center Chicago Torture Justice Center