Wednesday, November 7, 2018

This documentary, #DeepWeb by @AlexWinter, tells the story of #RossUlbrecht, has been victimized like so many others by the corrupt Deep State intelligence agencies like the #NSA which is the tip of the iceberg of other #SCADs (#StateCrimesagainstDemocracy by the ShadowGoverent, DeepState, or #DualGovernment - which is not as the #CIA controlled media has deceptively claimed - a #conspiracytheory.

The subject of the film, #RossUlbrecht, is the son of a close family friend of many of us from Bronxville, New York, #LynLaCavaUlbrecht.  The LaCava's, who are the first generaltion descendants of #GregoryLaCava, the famous film director who made OurManGodfrey and is known for discovering and directly talents like LucilleBall and KathrynHepburn and Lyn's father, Gregory LaCava, is the Godson of W.C. Fields. As many from my facebook page know, Lyn LaCava Ulbrecht and her son, Ross Ulbrecht come from a highly respected family from Bronxville, New York and as an alumni from Bronxville High School and a member of our Bronxville High School Friendsf Facebook group, we need to come together to see if there is a way of intervening in this case of state sponsored Gestapo justice putting away an innocent boy for life for what appears to be a cover-up of the state's role in using #Bitcoin and the DeepWeb for their own drug trafficing and money laundering.

For those investigators and activists like #DougValentine and #PeterDaleScott and @LyndonLaRouche and @DavidLivingstone who have been fighting to expose the Nazi Fascist Gladio Team B organized crime structure of the #DeepState , it is undoubtedly clear that this is another case of Marxist social injustice at the "macro level" comparable to the injustice corrupt drug policy created by covert neoNazi NeoFederalist, neoconservative, neoliberal "DarkWeb" #DarkMoney #Psyops #Counterintelligence #COINTELPRO operations like #PHOENIX and #MOCKINGBIRD and #ULTRA and others created by the Western powers (#US, CIA, Israel, Mossad, UK, MI6, NATO Gladio, other groups) in what is called the #ColdWar after #WWII and strengthened after the #RevisionistZionist #CIA #irgun sponsored assassination of #JohnFKennedy and #(/11 - both of which were classic #FalseFlags as #KevinBarrett and #LaurentGuyenot have recently exposed in the excellent book, #50YearsofDeepState:Kennedyto9/11).

Honest alternative media investigators and others like the The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and Sibel Edmonds Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post and The Corbett Report and @Lee Camp and Project Censored should come together to connect the dots and challenge the way the US legal system is using the "waronDrugs" to perpetuate the CIA NSA Covert Operations / Wall Street state-sponsored organized crime's
s role in putting innocent people in jail in order to cover up their state crimes against democracy (#LancedeHavenSmith, author of a scholarly book exposing the truth of CIA and the covert operation's behind the CIA falsely dismisses as "ConspiracyTheory".)

#DeepState researchers like Peter Dale Scott Jim O'Donnell. Peter Phillips Doug Valentine The Intercept jeremy skahill and writers other honest investigative journalists across the world like John Pilger - and Ray McGovern should come together to expose and combat in international courts and political culture wars and the media the criminal nature of putting innocents in the prison industrial complex.

We also need to create more documentaries like Making A Murderer and the Making a Murderer II that shows how heroes like Kathleen T. Zellner & Associates are modeling the power of moral courage to demand justice from our legal system in terms of exonorating the estimate one third of inmates in prison who have been falsely convicted based on torture-induced false confessions.

Jeff Kenneth Strom Ellen Corley Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression NAACP Chicago Southside Branch Danny K. Davis Senator Richard J Durbin Jay Becker Carolyn J. Ruff Organizing for Action OFA - Illinois Charles Paidock Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Barbara Ransby Christopher Bollyn Christopher Mark Wingate Laurent Guyenot John-Paul Leonard ANTI TRUMP -                            PRO AMERICA Regan Burke Kevin J Barrett Chris Hedges Jewish Voices For Peace Stephen Aldrich Ann Becket Jill Pearson Rappaport


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