"This is the time to be in the streets demanding Trump/Pence OutNow!" says Andy Zee, co-initiator of RefuseFascism.org.
"Trump is already stealing the election," Zee states. "Black and Latino people are forced to stand in line 12 hours to vote, mail-in drop off locations are being shut down, while armed white supremacist MAGA militias are being mobilized to intimidate voters."
"We must vote in big numbers, BUT we have to face the reality that voting alone will not stop Trump. The illegitimate, rushed confirmation of theocratic fascist Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court is for the immediate purpose of throwing the election to Trump should he lose. Trump and Barrett refuse to commit to a peaceful transfer of power. We face a rolling fascist coup heading to a showdown November 3," Zee says.
"Coups... thefts of power are stopped when people plan and when they act BEFORE the coup -- when they build unity and determination, in the streets, while working together -- and when they establish the righteousness of their demand before the eyes of the world," says Refuse Fascism co-initiator Sunsara Taylor from Washington, DC.
"This is what we accomplish by being in the streets everyday before the election. On Saturday, October 24, come one and all into the public square for mass protest assemblies to plan and to organize to stand together every day before the election to stop the Trump/Pence regime!" Taylor declares.
Coco Das of the RefuseFascism.org Editorial Board, says Saturday's assemblies "will include bold creative actions and displays that disturb the atmosphere of 'normalcy' and convey this is not a moment for business as usual."
"In some cities, Handmaids symbolize opposition to Christian fascist Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to the Supreme Court -- a key component of Trump's rolling coup -- and plans will be made to protest this on Monday."
"In other cities, there will be cages with the number 545 hanging from them, for the 545 migrant children orphaned because the Trump/Pence regime deported their parents and now cannot find them -- a massive crime against humanity. People are encouraged to bring baby shoes to the Assemblies to symbolize this horror," Das says.
"Speakers and displays will be calling out the Trump/Pence regime's campaign of voter suppression," says Carl Dix, a co-initiator of Refuse Fascism. "We'll be making plans to vigorously protest, oppose, and stop this effort to steal the election, and we'll be calling out this regime's racist, white supremacist agenda overall."
"Let's unite and rise just like we did in the Spring for Black lives," Dix says, "coming back day after day in non-violent protest – united by a single demand Trump/Pence Out Now! and refusing to stop till they're gone."
In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!
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