Max Blumenthal debunks US accusation of China's 'genocide' against Uighurs
@EllenCorley post written on
interview seen online with @CAARPR’s Frank Chapman tying it with my research on
Zionist cabal PROMIS etc 7-6-20.docx
This episode profiles one of the
cofounders of the primary group that I have been an activist/ organizer with in
Chicago for the last five years, @FrankChapman of the @ Chicago Alliance
Against Racist and Political Repression.
Their Civilian Police Accountability Council model #CPAC has been
recognized the best model there is for community control of the police, yet it
has been blocked by the Mayors, the Alderman, the Police, and Prosecutors for
years which is what we are trying to overcome!
I am glad to see we are getting some
coverage, but I remain concerned that our primary problem of police brutality
and the call for community control of the police will not be solved until the powerful
state-sponsored military police state machine that is being funded by the
powerful ultra-Zionist Israeli lobby that now controls both parties is exposed
and called to account for its treasonous interference in our elections.
I have come to understand this personally in
the process of trying to run for office to make a change and finding out how
the Chicago machine is a highly functioning organized crime machine that does
not welcome whistle-blowing, investigative research analysts like myself.
Seriously, the Illinois Green Party
just last week blackballed me from being automatically endorsed to run against
the Democratic do-nothing Congressional Representative in my 5th District of
Illinois, Mike Quiqley, based on my saying I supported all of their goals but
that I didn’t think anything could be done unless we take on the corrupt
influence of the lobbyist, including the
Jewish Mafia, which the Cook County and the Dade County Green Party councils said
was “offensive speech" that merited being a “blocking concern” leading to
their decision to put in a Jewish psychologist instead.
Realizing that I was being
discriminated against based on my having the integrity to say I would
investigate the Jewish Mafia, I did some research on the local Green Party and
saw that they did in fact have a pattern and practice of running spoiler
candidates against genuinely reform candidates like @RichWhitney who were trying to get elected. In Whitney’s case, when his run for Governor
as the Green Party candidate in 2008 came in at a disappointing 5% after he had
achieved an strong 10% showing in 2004, he looked into it and found out that a
Jewish pawn broker candidate who was claiming he had been discriminated gainst
for being in a Jewish profession of being a pawn broker had somehow been run as
a “spoiler candidate” and he also learned that his name on the ballot in the
south side had been misspelled as “Rich Whitey”. (I would say you can’t make this stuff, in
Chicago, yes you canI It’s the Chicago way!)
The horrifyingly, frustrating truth
of the story is that the Illinois 5th District that I would still
like to run in is run by corrupt Democratic @DNC bundler, ultra-Zionist,
reportedly the North American Head of the Mossad who MI6 once named as “Mega’
is the former Mayor @RahmEmanuel, described as Mayor 1 Percent by Medill School
of Journalism Investigative Journalism Professor @CariLeiderson, who no one in
the media or the party will acknowledge is the son of an Irgun terrorist, who
now goes by an assumed identify Benjamin Emanuel as a Chicago area doctor.
This is why people like CynthiaMcKinney,
former presidential candidate for Green Party, and Paul Findley, former
Republican candidate who was displaced from his safe Republican seat after
speaking out against Israel and then being targeted with a spoiler candidate
after “daring to speak out.” (Paul Findley was the subject of the book, “They
Dared Speak Out” and Cynthia McKinney was profiled in the follow up book, “They
Dared to Speak Out”.)
Basically, what I am trying to speak
out about now is that we have a problem that must be solved in America which is
that honest political candidates like me and @ChrisLynnHedges who speak up for
#BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction Israel) and who speak out against those who are
financing the ultra Zionist Israeli war crimes and genocide are being
surreptitiously covertly “boycotted, divested and sanctioned” from equal
employment opportunities to influence our democracy and protect our people from
a covert coup d’etat by for disguised foreign agents like Rahm Emanuel and the
local party politicians who are getting away with massively defrauding the US
state of trillions of dollars.
We know exactly who is doing it, how
they are doing it, and we have all the evidence but thus far, we are being
blocked by corrupt political tyrants who are embedded in our government by a
corrupt political deep state cabal which they are covering up by withholding
the records stolen from the Justice Department’s Prosecutors Management
Information System based on the “big lie” that they have the right to hide
information that is classified as “state secrets” whereas in fact, we know from
the book on Wikileaks by Julian Assange that there is a US law that states that
US can’t hide criminal acts under claims of being classified.
The fact is that when Reagan / Bush Justice
Department Attorney Generals including CIA agents George HW Bush and William
Barr, who was then using his CIA code name,
Robert Johnson to covertly and treasonously and duplicitously act as the
CEO of the crash airplane, SAC Southern Air Command, to cover-up the fact that
it was CIA that was trafficking cocaine from the Medellan Cartel to Mena,
Arkansas and it was Bush’s Justice Department Attorney General Ed Meese who
treasonously allowed Israeli Super Spy Rafi Eitan and Earl Brian to develop the “misappropriated” Inslaw PROMIS software
into multiple software programs that were enhanced with Trojan Horse back doors
that were then sold into intelligence agencies of Central Intelligence Agencies
of allied countries and enemy countries as well as being sold to leading banks
(Systematics) and leading police surveillance systems (Palantir) and even sold
to the Godfather of the Ukrainian Mafia, Semien Mogelevich, who sold it to the
KGB who sold it to Osama bin Laden. We
also know that somehow, the CIA backed secret police responsible for torture
and interrogations in Iran under the CIA backed Shah, the SAVAK, and the secret
police in China and Saudia Arabia also got a copy of the enhanced Inslaw PROMIS
software that enabled the Mossad to spy on and steal secrets and sell their
secrets to their enemies. We know from
Israeli suppressed books by Britain’s investigative journalist, Gordon Thomas,
like Gideon’s Spies and Robert Maxwell: Israel’s Super Spy that Rafi Eitan used
publishing magnate, Robert Maxwell, to sell the Inslaw PROMIS software to the
Los Alamos Sandia Laboratories where America’s most classified nuclear bombs
are developed so that Israel could sell these secrets to our enemies.
Gordon Thomas names all the sources
for this including interviews with Rafi Eitan himself and all of his facts can
be corroborated in other published sources like Seymour Hersch’s books on
Israel’s nuclear bombs (which Israel denies), and excellent comprehensive books
by Michael E. Ruppert (Crossing the Rubicon, 2004) and Rodney Stich (Defrauding
America Vol. 3).
Simple literature searches also
easily verify that the Inslaw PROMIS software was sold to Osama bin Laden prior
to 9/11. See Washington Times article in
May of 2001,
interfere with our elections using billions
of dirty money laundered using leading banking industry software like
Systematics that was built off of the Inslaw PROMIS software and said to be
used for money laundering which was a client of Hillary Clinton’s Rose Law Firm
software used to money launder that was reported by suppressed whistle blower
stolen Israeli developed cyber technology built off the stolen Inslaw PROMIS
software Justice Department CIA Mossad political
overtly illegally blocked by Foreign
Agents - which Rahm Emanuel is, but we don't have an honest regulatory legal
system that has the integrity to investigate and prosecute him and the other
ultra-Zionist traitors who have captured the American government at every
level. I have been researching this for
the last five years and haven't found a single historical investigative source
who has countered what I am saying.
There is an active suppression of honest candidates and if we don't
allow the Federal Election Commission and the State Election Commissions to
start vetting these criminally corrupt foreign influencers out, we will become
totalitarian Nazi Fascist police state that we are now. We know from Sherman Skolnick and Christopher Bollyn, author of Solving
9/11 and Allan Hart and hundreds of other investigative journalists that people
like Rahm Emanuel are part of the "vast right wing conspiracy" that
in fact is the Deep Political State that created the Cold War as a covert
political economic secret police CIA MI6 Nato backed PSYOP Counter-intelligence
or COINTELPRO "war on communism" which essentially is a covert
Zionist takeover of the US and the world - what Jim Marrs' called Rule By
Secrecy through deregulation-enabled interference in our elections using
treasonously leaked surveillance cybertechnoloy built off of Inslaw PROMIS
software - covertly leaked to Israelli Super Spy, Rafi Eitan, by the treasonous
leaks and cover-up by Attorney Generals in the Iran-Contra George H W Bush
Justice Department. @Ed Meese and our current Justice Department Attorney
General, @WilliamBarr, who was also at the the time, using his CIA code name,
Robert Johnson, to coordinate the cover up of CIA's role as being the primary
coordinator of drug trafficking crack cocaine into the US through Mena Arkansas
while also abusing his power over the criminal justice system to falsely
implicate, target, silence those who could bear witness to the fact that it was
and is our own Presidents and heads of the military and the CIA that are the
actual Nazis Fascists who have taken over the world using the US CIA FBI NATO
Justice Department State Department as the Praetorian Guards of their Invisible
Empire. See Gordon Thomas' excellent books, "Robert Maxwell: Israeli Super
Spy" and "Gideons' Angels" for verification. I also have been writing about this is my
posts on Facebook @EllenCorley and in talks I given at the @CollegeofComplexes
and I am developing a blog now EllenCorleyResearchWorks and I would be
interested in leading an independent investigation of this on a Pro Bono basis
through my independent consultancy, ResearchWorks. Or, maybe I could be put on
one of the ballots -I am thinking the Republican Party Ballot - so that I can
be a voice for the people who are demanding that candidates for public office
be screened to eliminate those with ties to corrupt domestic and foreign
practices, campaign finance fraud, and violation of laws against administration
of US government which is the basis that I believe is the form of treason that
Donald Trump and probably Joe Biden and all of the candidates from others
Parties who have taken money from the Israeli ultra-Zionist lobbyists, AIPAC,
NRA, and other "cut outs" that have enabled corrupt ultra-Zionist
Mafia influencers who have been running candidates against people like me
"whao dare to speak ut" to be protected in the highest positions of
power in the US government.
others like the Medillan Cartel and
low level "agents" like Barry Seal, Terry Reed, Ricky Ross, and
Israeli military intelligence handler
of convicted Israeli Spies, Robert Hanssen and by corrupt Attorney Generals and
CIA Directors, George HW Bush, William Barr, Ed Meese cyber technology built
off of the and Rahm Emanuel is in fact the North American Head of the Mossad as
was revealed by MI6 records. All we need
is to implement the McDade Murtha Citizens Protection Act that was legally
sidelined by the corrupt Justice Department in the 1990's that would give an
honest Justice Department prosecutor the legal framework needed to fight
corruption Justice Department prosecutors that now are only accountable to
narrowly defined corruption of taking a bribe.
The problem is they have effectively bribed our entire political system
to let corrupt "deep state" commitment to ultra-Zionism - which is
actually literally a secret terrorist NATO Gladio "leave behind army"
of Reinhard Gehlen - who as Dr. Daniele Gansser has exposed in his excellent
book, “NATO's Secret Armies, Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe”,
citing research of renowned historian, Christopher Simpson, was
National Alliance Against Racist
& Political Repression Lora
Ellen Post 9-6-20 on Trumps comment about 1619 project as violation of Gillett Amendment and stolen Inslaw PROMIS Cambridge Analytica SCL Elections violation
This latest racist political Nazi Fascist agit prop stunt of Trump's asserting that he will defund school's who teach history according to centuries long standards of educating students to be able to read, write, listen, speak and above all understand truth about American history and history itself is such an egregiously unAmerican inhumane racist political propaganda stunt that it should be shocking to all - if in fact - our censored media and our privatized public education is even reporting it. We must by getting into the streets and confronting our elected representatives to demand that all elected officials starting with Trump and Pence be held to account for their willful unconstitutional illegal abuse of power starting with their claim that "longstanding Justice Department policy" of not investigating a President is sufficient legal basis for allowing a President to violate the 1913 Gillette Amendment to the Interstate Commerce Commission by waging public relations / lobbying campaign of the white house. It is the job of the head of the #InterstateCommerceCommission @WilburRoss to enforce this law in order to prevent the abuse of the power of office it was put into law to check. The bottom line is Trump is abusing his power in multiple ways just as Fascists always do and the only thing precluding him from being held to account is that we have an unjust justice system being led by William Barr who should never have been allowed to be Attorney General because he abused his power of office when he was Attorney General in 1992 under Bush where he was the CIA Stalinist Red Mafya Israeli Mossad "fixer" who gave illegal immunity to Bush, Meese, himself, #WilliamBarr #RafiEitan @JonathanPollard #RobertHanssen for Bush's and Clinton's IranContra and Inslaw PROMISgate Iraqgate crimes. What's worse, he is abusing his power to wage the psychological war crime of misinforming the people using Fox News politically biased media misinformation and CIA counter-intelligence, opposition-research misinformation campaigns against the American people using the same 4th Amendment-violating CIA NSA Facebook Cambridge Analytica SCL elections cyber hacking technology he used with the Russians using the stolen Inslaw PROMIS PRISM XKeyscore technology that the Republican and Democratic and Green Party and Libertarian Party and and the Israeli Likud Party and the UK Tory party and the right wing parties around the world used as a result of the Revisionist Zionist Mossad selling the Inslaw PROMIS Trojan Horse Hacking surveillance systems to the Russian Mafia through Mafia Godfather Semion Mogelevich to the KGB, the Saudis, Osama bin Laden, who were able to use it to money launder funds and cover up Prosecutors records and rewrite history so that they could get away with their longstanding plot called the Carl Schmitt Strategy of Tension to take over the world for their 4th Reich New World Order. It is simple. We must allow the International Criminal Court to prosecute them for war crimes against humanity and treason.
cc Peter Dale Scott @MarkCrispinMiller Christopher Bollyn @ACLU International Criminal Court - ICC United Nations Real AMERICANS And The World United Against Trumpenfuhrer!!!! Common Cause Common Cause Illinois American Bar Association The Federalist Mitch McConnell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren Kamala Harris League of Women Voters of Illinois Junior League of Chicago NAACP @SCOTUS NAACP Chicago Southside Branch John Pilger - National Education Association Representative Assembly 2011 Lori Lightfoot