Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The question is how can we the people can get the captured Supreme Court to hear an Amicus Curia case to determine if social media platforms like Parler and Steve Bannon's Pandemic War room and CIA Justice Department misinformation campaigns are exempt from 1st amendment and FCC Fairness Doctrine requirements

The question is how can we the people can get the captured Supreme Court to hear an Amicus Curia case to determine if social media platforms like Parler and Steve Bannon's Pandemic War room and CIA Justice Department misinformation campaigns are exempt from 1st amendment and FCC Fairness Doctrine requirements and universally presumed journalist ethics rules regarding using misleading deceptive  misinformation news stories and other NATO Gladio Strategy of Tension techniques to divide and conquer the people and enable military coup d’etat’s for the #US/ #UK/ #Israeli #DeepState within a state oligarchs like Sullivan & Cromwell and #JPMorganChase clients to be able to steal oil and drug resources from occupied sovereign countries via #regimechange and #ethniccleansing and #biowarfare campaigns.  

Same question applies to getting courts or Congress to repeal #ContractwithAmerica Telecommunications Act and #SuperPredatorActs and other neofascist neoFederalist secret legislation pushed in by #ContractwithAmerica.


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