Friday, July 16, 2021

The Epstein MEGA CONNECTIONS With Whitney Webb!

For the real story on the criminality of Ken Starr's connections to Jeffrey #Epstein , Merrick Garland and FBI and Congress and the International Criminal Court must an official racketeering case based on evidence that has been gathered by videos like the attached interview of @_WhitneyWebb and @JasonBermas where they review Whitney Webb's outstanding 2019 3 part series in @MintPressNews - which Whitney Webb starting researching after reading @DougValentine's outstanding The CIA as Organized Crime:  

We need a group like the Consortium of Investigative Reporters in league with official #UN International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court to work together with International Criminal Law experts like @FrancisBoyle and @JeffGates and @DavidMcGowan and @RobertKennedy of @Children'sDefense and @RayMcGovern and @JulianAssange and @EdwardSnowden and @NaomiWolf and @LeeCamp @CorbettReport and @DavidTalbot and @LaRoucheOrg and @RefuseFascism and @JohnWhitehouse and @PeterPhillips and @MarkCrispinMiller and @NaomiKlein and @NaomiWolf and @ReinerFuellmich and @DavidKovelek and @SteveCorbett and @ChrisLynnHedges, and @JohnPilger, and me, @EllenCorley, like they did for the Panama Papers. For those who weren't as familiar with @JasonBermis, all I know is he was producer of one of the best documentaries out there on #InvisibleEmpire:NewWorldOrder and Fabled Enemies.

They get into the real dirt on #RoyCohn's connections to Bill Casey - who supposedly talked talked everyday until Bill Casey was silenced in 1987 - with Bob Woodward in the room.  Interestingly, she connects William Barr to this Iran-Contra gang in this video.  Finally, Whitney Webb, in this video, gets into an official explanation of Bill Barr's father, Donald Barr - who weirdly hired Epstein for the elite New York city Dalton School, math teaching job....

What's the connection?  They are all part of the little known #Mega and probably the Pilgrim's Society and Sovereign Military Order of Malta asI like that Whitney Webb connects Epstein with the Mega Group network that also includes Meyer Lansky, Roy Cohn, Rupert Murdoch, Ron Lauder, and the Zionist Power Configuration that @JamesPetras has exposed so brilliantly in his book, "Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of US Power"

It occurs to me that @MerrickGarland should connect the Ken Starr to the Inslaw PROMIS software and connections to Peter Theil who funded Carbyne. 

We the people must demand an official investigation into the war crimes, genocides, stolen elections and on-going false flag attacks that this #DeepState cabal, (as @PeterDaleScott and @PeterPhilips and @DavidRayGriffin and @DanielGansser and @DavidLivingstone and @TheirryMeyssen and @ChristopherBollyn and @AlexJones and @RodneyStich, and @ShermanSkulnick and @DannyCasolaro and @CheriSeymour and @KennThomas and @JimKeith and @SteveKangas and @RobertParry and @GordonThomas and @MaxBlumenthal and @AaronMate and @JeremyScahitt and @GlenGreenwald and @MarkCrispinMiller and so many of us including me, @EllenCorley, have been trying to get published and in the news - only for this information to be algorithmically covered up because the criminal state's captured @JusticeDepartment and their Republican Party lawyers has been shielding these traitors from justice by @KenStarr - who was prosecuting #Clinton for Monica Lewinski and Blackwater, while looking the other was regarding the Hillary Clinton's and Rose Law Firm's and Jackson Steven's and Vince Foster's biggest client, the #Systematics software that was developed off of the Back-door Enhanced Inslaw PROMIS software that enabled the Rahm Emanuel, #ZionistPowerConfiguration - as James Petras rightly calls it - to steal the election from Jimmy Carter by arranging for the Iranian's to not release the hostages prior to the election as they would have done if they hadn't been bribed by George HW Bush (then head of the CIA as well as Reagan Vice President Elect - something Reagan hadn't wanted).  The stolen PROMIS software also enabled the Zionist Power Configuration - through their treasonous moles in the US Justice Department - Ken Starr and Rahm Emanuel and William Barr- to cover up the "high crimes and misdemeanors" which was the real treason which was allowing the Israeli-American Zionist Power Configuration Lobby and the Mega Group and the PNAC - buy all the parties and all the branches of the government and the media and the Internet the Democratic Party and the Republican Party and the media - so they could control America's treasury and funnel it toward funding Israel's and the Zionist Revisionist Likud Party's bringing about the Fourth Reich as has been the Plan arranged by the treasonous pro-Nazi Fascist Traitors Allan Dulles, Henry Kissinger and the Pilgrim's Society and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Rothschild's / Morgan/ J P Morgan/ BIS financiers of Hitler's Third Reich who planned after World War II to bring about the Fourth Reich through their planned "strategy of tension - which was to stage false flag events like the Kennedy Assassination, 9/11 attacks and the Biological Warfare Pandemics which they blame on their designated enemy - calling them "communist" or totalitarian or Fascist when in fact, it is Ken Starr, and essentially all of the current politicians in all parties who are the traitors who have taken the "dirty money" from the Koch's and the Mega Group and not spoken up about how it is being used to fund forever Fascist terrorist asymmetric warfare

m essentially have

i(according to suppressed witnesses who flew Bush, Casey to meetings at Pepsi Headquarters in Spain and other 

DNC and the Clinton's Campaign 

Ken Starr and Robert Maxwell and Rafi Eitan and 

by the Campaign Finance Managers and Bundlers and Super Pacs 

using their master key to the Internet and the US Treasury, the Central Banks, the #BIS, BCCI, the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Russia, the Bank of Israel, - all of which we know from whistle blowers like @RichardBrennecke and @DannyCasolaro and @MichaelRuppert and @RodneyStich were used for money laundering 

by target for literal Mafia hit jobs 

 and have been murders and cover-up 

Robert Maxwell, Rafi Eitan, Earl Brian, Ed Meese, and how Robert Maxwell and the Mossad and the Israeli Intelligence and how John Tower was involved and how it connects to Danny Casolaro's obvious suicide - as was established by Gordon Thomas.  She connects them to the "NSA of Israel", Unit 8200.

We have a confirmed letter sent to William Weld by Justice Department Reynolds confirming their arrangement of the Inslaw PROMIS software to Mahfouz, through Adnan Khashoggi, 

Her linking, sourcing of all this investigations that the Justice Department and the CIA agreed by the 1981 Reagan Signed Executive Order 12333 to not investigate this CIA Justice Department Organized Criminal Organization - which is the Z

 - addition to new book by Julie K. Brown, the Miami Herald reporter who covered Epsten and his accusers for years. 

Clinton Prosecutor Ken Starr Was ‘Most Powerful Force’ in Jeffrey Epstein’s 2008 Plea Deal, New Book Says
Lindsey Ellefson
Wed, July 14, 2021, 11:02 AM·2 min read
Jeffrey Epstein
American financier
Bill Clinton
42nd President of the United States
Ken Starr
American judge and educational administrator
Monica Lewinsky
American television personality
Julie K. Cat Browning​
American journalist
Explore the topics mentioned in this article
Ken Starr, the prosecutor who obsessively pursued former president Bill Clinton over his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, was largely responsible for securing convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s secret 2008 plea deal. The revelation comes via a new book from Julie K. Brown, the Miami Herald reporter who covered Epstein and his accusers for years.
“Although I go into this more in my book, Ken Starr was probably the most powerful force behind Jeffrey Epstein’s secret plea deal. Without him, it probably would not have happened the way it did, and Epstein would have ended up in prison for a very long time,” the “Perversion of Justice” author wrote on Twitter Tuesday.
Starr told TheWrap Wednesday, “It’s not appropriate to discuss any counsel I or my law firm provided to a client. I have always tried to act with integrity and to be guided by the great principles of the American legal system.”
In 2008, federal investigators identified dozens of underage victims, but Epstein plead guilty to only two charges: procuring a child for prostitution and soliciting a prostitute. As a result of the non-prosecution agreement, he only served 13 months in a county jail and enjoyed work-release privileges. The deal halted an ongoing FBI probe into whether Epstein had more victims, as well as whether there were other powerful people involved.
In a Medium post out Tuesday, Starr’s former advisor Judi Hershman recalled her time with the man best known for his 1998 investigation into Bill Clinton’s relationship with White House intern-turned-staffer Monica Lewinsky.
“There was the time in January 2010 when I saw him in California — he was then dean of the Pepperdine University School of Law — and he asked me, if on my next visit to South Florida, I could extend myself to counsel a ‘very wealthy, very smart businessman who got himself into trouble for getting involved with a couple of underage girls who lied about their ages.’ I confess I did not recognize Jeffrey Epstein’s name at the time, but I knew what statutory rape was and I couldn’t understand why Ken Starr would be involved with him,” she wrote, adding, “It did not occur to me that he might have been part of the legal team that executed a secret and egregious sweetheart deal for the convicted pedophile or that the stickler for details I knew Starr to be might be grossly undercounting the victims in question.”
The Guardian got ahold of a copy of Brown’s forthcoming book, which goes into greater detail on Starr’s involvement. The “Perversion of Justice” excerpt says Starr waged a “scorched-earth” campaign to convince federal prosecutors to drop Epstein’s sex-trafficking case.
Epstein died in a Manhattan jail two years ago while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.
Read original story Clinton Prosecutor Ken Starr Was ‘Most Powerful Force’ in Jeffrey Epstein’s 2008 Plea Deal, New Book Says At TheWrap


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