Sunday, September 26, 2021

Mae Brussell: Preston Guillory, Arresting Officer of Charles Manson (11-...

SHADE the Motion Picture

Bill Gates Epstein Global Health And "Being Careful"

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Indian Bar Association vs WHO | Adv. Dipali Ojha with Rajiv Malhotra

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Covid-19 Survival Kit - everyone must have, and this is why

Fmr Trump Adv DETAILS Brazil DETAINMENT For ‘Secret Investigation,’ Bash...

The fact that right-wing platforms like this GETTR and PARLER are allowed is a real threat to democracy everywhere. We need a universal FCC Fairness Doctrine and an actually protected 1st amendment in the US which must be strengthened to cover social media which is being legally "protected" by corrupt Federalist Society and Zionist Power Configuration as a "tech" company rather than a "media" company. Why can't our justice department be just? Oh right, the Right wing gave themselves the Executive Order 12333 to not investigate the CIA and Justice Department and now their "front groups". The US neoliberal establishment is Big Brother going back to Cold War anti-communist National Review's editor James Burnham's "Manager's Revolution" which was George Orwell's model for Big Brother in 1948 - which is what Orwell was describing in 1984! More must be revealed - and reformed! Zionism is Fascism. We must stop the Republican's "Conservative" forever false flag war on communism designed to bring about the Fourth Reich. See Jim Marrs' books, "The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy" and ChristopherSimpson's "The Splendid Blond Beast" and Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism". I used to think these were interesting "conspiracy theories". They were real conspiracy warnings and they have come true. This is the Fourth Reich - an Invisible Empire: New World Order" as Jason Bermas​ describes it in his must see documentary, which like "Loose Change" by @DylanAvery about 9/11 being an inside job and AdamCurtis' documentary, "The Power of Nightmares" and "Everything is a Rich Man's Trick" and 1984 and Naomi Wolf's book, "Letter to a Young Patriot" and Jeff Gates' "Guilt by Association" have all held up as the grass roots intelligence about the corrupt Fascist Intelligence or "counterintelligence" - actually Nazi Fascist Intelligence as @WebsterTarpley calls it in his excellent books from @ProgressivePress. Nazi's don't investigate themselves. We must demand what #JFK was demanding which is why the CIA, FBI, Dallas Police, John McCloy, J. Edgar Hoover, Allan Dulles, Gerald Ford covered up the fact that the CIA and the FBI killed him. Our Establishment politicians in office now - Senator Mitch McConnell's office​ House Speaker Nancy Pelosi​ Hillary Clinton​ Joe Biden​ Kamala Harris​ - all the CIA Mossad AIPAC NRA assets know that the US and Israeli and UK establishment planned the assassinations of #JFK, #RFK, #MLK, #MalcolmX #BillieHoliday #RobertMerton #DannyCasolaro @SteveKangas @MichaelRuppert #ChristopherBollyn Michael Parenti FB friends​ and they spy on all of us and organize to make sure we can have no influence in politics or media because they've rigged the algorithms to make sure of it. See the excellent interview with @MaxBlumenthal on Primo Radical​ this week. And the interview with Chris Hedges​ on Institute for New Economic Thinking​ on Jan 19, 2021. Read their books. I probably have a thousand of them and only a few, @JeffGates' "Guilt By Association" really explicitly describes the need for us to go to war to protect the world from the "intelligence agencies" or our "allies" we have given 30 trillion dollars in debt to for killing us off with their deceptive false flag operations! We must demand 9/11 truth and Covid truth now. We must demand an honest investigation of the forever Cold War starting with the 1,000 books in my library that prove with a preponderance of evidence that calling us conspiracy theorists is the actually conspiracy theory that we must demand an open honest transparent investigation of now! cc: Mickey Huff​ Mark Clements​ Alice Kim​ James DiEugenio​ Peter Phillips​ Peter Dale Scott​ Charles Paidock​ Kathy Powers​ Frank Aubry​ Douglas Baker​ Doug Valentine​ Teachers for Social Justice​ 9/11 Truth Movement​ Progressive Democrats Demanding a new Congressional investigation of 9/11​ Indivisible Guide​ Indivisible Illinois​ Indre Biskis​ Mark Crispin Miller​ Marilyn Katz​ Esther Hernandez​ Ellen Corley​ Gail Charnley Elliott​ John Valmas​ James B Turner​ Ashli Giles-Perkins​ James Gibson​ National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression​ Governor JB Pritzker​ Lori Lightfoot​ Larry Redmond​ Jean Roberts​

The Media's Viral Lie about Ivermectin Overdoses & Horse Medicine: Dr. K...

Why Vaccine Mandates Are A Bad Idea

PRIMO RADICAL #245: Max Blumenthal

New Updates On Inslaw Octopus & Promis Software And The Mysterious Murde...

Ryan Grim: State Dept DODGES Question On Julian Assange, Support Of Free...

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Woman Paid $2 Million In Police Brutality Settlement

Monday, September 13, 2021

Dem. Senator EXPOSES dark money scheme that propped up Kavanaugh and Bar...

Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Age of Manufactured Ignorance

Making Treason Transparent Pt.2 - Jeff Gates - Wake up call to True Amer...

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Criminal State - Part 1 of 3: A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism

Friday, September 10, 2021

Ryan Grim: NEW Recordings BLOW UP Julian Assange Case

Ryan Grim: NEW Recordings BLOW UP Julian Assange Case

Ryan Grim: NEW Recordings BLOW UP Julian Assange Case

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Jeff Gates on the Criminal State 1

Why can't be accessed? Is it being blacked out? I am trying to collect everything on @JeffGates but it seems to be getting censored. He should be President - but we can't get past the treasonous criminalstate's apparent censorship of honest Americans like Jeff Gates. More must be revealed.

Spike protein is very dangerous, it's cytotoxic (Robert Malone, Steve Ki...

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Michael Ruppert - The CIA & Drug Running

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

GOD on COVID: Eric Clapton's "Disastrous" Vaccine Experience

911 Decade of Deception

Monday, September 6, 2021

FRANKENSKIES : Best documentary on chemtrails 2017


ARE YOU BRAINWASHED BY THE COVID CULT???: ARE YOU BRAINWASHED BY THE COVID CULT??? Posted on September 6, 2021 by State of the Nation FacebookTwitterPinterestRedditEmailShare

GOD on COVID: Eric Clapton's "Disastrous" Vaccine Experience

GOD on COVID: Eric Clapton's "Disastrous" Vaccine Experience

Michael Ruppert - The CIA & Drug Running

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Michael Ruppert - The CIA & Drug Running

It is so frustrating to me that there is a persistent myth that there is no complete violation of the first amendment for the #US government having "outsourced" our entire information and communicationsecosystem to private companies like #Google, #Facebook, #Amazon, #Microsoftbased on the spurious argument that the government doesn't have the capabilityto handle its own IT.  This is the BigLie of our time - especially since the corrupt @Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation The United States Department ofJustice interpretation of the Constitution is that censorship for profit bypolitical party usurpers/ traitors is lawful since they consider their"social media" not "media", but a "technology platform"- which their deceptive Nixonian Federal Society #JohnRoberts #anti-abortionCarl Schmitt 'unitary executive power" #WilliamCasey #ManhattanInstitute#ultra-ZionistPowerConfiguration lawyers interpret the total surveillanceHomeland Security #ElliotAbrams #TIA #TotalInformationAwareness #InQTel stateas "legal" since it is private. 

We need a review of how McCarthyism / Republican NationalCommittee/ Democratic National Committee dirty political tricks have resultedin our now being an Occupied client-state of a invisible #DeepState in thePeter Dale Scott Mark Crispin Miller Project Censored understanding of theword, People should read Jack Newfield's "A PropheticMinority: A Probing Study of the Origins and Development of the New Left"with an introduction by Michael Harrington for an excellent summary of the overt and covert racist political repression of people by an invisible Fascist US Imperialist state that we must prosecute using deNazification best practiceslike the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions used in states where thepopulation is not as Nazified as the current Western capitalist mis-informed states are now. 

Other excellent "wake-up" books on this I've beenreading and synthesizing into my understanding of Fascism Today are: @ThomHartmann's"The Hidden History of the Supreme Court in America", the ConstantineAlex edited "The Essential Mae Brussell, Jeff Gates "Guilt byAssociation", Lance deHaven-Smith's "Conspiracy Theory in America".  

I am hoping to come to Oakland, California for the 9/11Truth film festival on this weekend.   

My hope is to meet my Free Speech / 9/11 Truth Movement icons like Kevin J Barrett (whose book, "Truth Jihad" I am just now reading and appreciating after years of subscribing to his invaluable FalseFlag Weekly News which feels at times like the only actually truthful news show left in this new era of last state Revisionist Zionist predatory capitalism aka the planned Fourth Reich New World Order that only the bolest investigative journalists like Steve Kangas @MichaelRuppert, @RobertParry, Steve Kangas, Christopher Bollyn Peter Dale Scott Peter Phillips Mark Crispin Miller ,Sherman Skulnick, @Rodney Stich, Daniel Sheehan , Amy Goodman, MaxBlumenthal Aaron Maté Dick Gregory Martin Luther King, Jr. Malcolm X JohnF. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum @John F Kennedy Jr Walter Reuther,Terry Reed, John Hawkins, Danny Casolaro and others who have taken their lives in their hands by daring to speak out and speak truth to power. 

I hope the FBI CIA Department of Justice Department of Defense war machine doesn't drop COVID, Anthrax, Lyme Disease, Chemtrails, AIDS, or some other form of biowarfare on us the way they probably did on so-called "conspiracy theorist" Robert David Steele - who actually is an important and influential intelligence analyst who is being falsely discredited by the real Deep State  Department of Dfense corrupt Denial an Deception intelligence operation.  

Robert David Steele's Covid-19 should be investigated as the lead plaintiff in a class action lawsuit against the corrupt captured US conspiracy of people like Fauci and Gates who have been using their covert NSA, CIA, FBI COINTELPRO control of the Internet information and communications ecosystem itself to bring about their corrupt Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Henry Kissinger, Allan Dulles, Netanyahu, Revisionist Zionist David Rockefeller, #CFR, #ZionistPowerConfiguration "continuity of government" takeover of the United States government for their planned Fourth Reich/ New World Order.  

(See @JasonBermas' excellent documentary "Invisible Empire: New World Order" and @AlexJones-produced "Loose Change II" for excellent background that should convince any one who doubts that 9/11 was an inside job by the power elites who have used it to pull off an invisible coup d'etat that is centered Zionist Project for a New America.  (@OliverStone's excellent Untold History of the United States of America and @HowardZinn's excellent books and documentaries on the Peoples History of the United States and the dPeople's History of American Empire are good places to start on this.)

We really need to demand that Federal Insurance industry's general liability and product liability and employee risk management laws be applied to the #US and #Zionist #AIPAC NRA's state-sponsored fraud and covert criminal operations committed by committed by the Fauci Bill Gates captured NIH, NIAID, USAID, Moderna Pfizer other manufacturers of biowarfare including the CIA, the Big #Pharma #BigTechBigWar #BigDefense #BioWarfare vaccine #BioTech companies that aren't actually manufacturing pharmaceuticals or vaccines, but actually have re-packaged the biological warfare "germs" they have been crating at Fort Detrick since they began developing germ warfare weapons of mass destruction for use to wipe out North Korea using genocide techniques learned from Japan and the Nazis. 

To start, we must demand that the vaccines be subject to thesame liability laws that all companies and persons should be held accountable to.  

These laws were apparently removedin the same corrupt laws put in by the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security and the National Security Restoration Act of the Contract with America and theoriginal Contract with America laws.   

This Nazi trick if putting the military industrial complex above the law for the sake of National Security is the same Carl Schmitt "unitary executive power" dirty trick used by the Third Reich and we cannot afford to let them use it on us any longer. 

As Solving 9-11 Books by Christopher Bollyn has wisely told us, the 9/11 attacks and the War on Terror is a War of Terror and we cannot continue to give over half of our public debt to financing this "trillion dollar conspiracy" as Jim Marrs rightly called it.  (See his many books for intelligence-based warnings about US development of biowarfare like the"air-borne" #AIDS virus and nuclear missiles with AIDS viruses on the tips.   

Actually, having recently re-read some great books by#GordonThomas and @CheriSeymour and @JimKeith and @KennThomas on the nature ofthe US, Israeli, NATO, GLADIO Team B PNAC covert counterintelligence war machine's secret development of the 9/11 New Pearl Harbor lately, it is becoming increasing clear why this evil US Deep State has had to kill off and suppress the investigative journalists and actual honest intelligence analysts amongst us.

I have to say, I hope this 20th anniversary of 9/11 does becomes the beginning of a Movement for 9/11 Truth. Sadly, it is already 20 years late. My greatest fear is that their evil Fascist Revisionist Zionist /Revisionist History plot will succeed and what the brilliant @GoreVidal called the United States of Amnesia with kick in as planned by people like #AllanDulles and those Sherman Skulnick rightfully called the “Bush and Clinton crime families” including the corrupt lobbyists and paid machine operatives behind the capture of the right- and left-wing political parties by the right-wing Fascist extremists.   A prime example of an operative like @WilliamCasey, who most people have not heard of but who was one of the real evil geniuses behind thisCIA/ Justice Department Executive Order 12333’s use of our Justice Department and the CIA and the FBI to impose an invisible Nazi Fascist police state on the world by use of propaganda Big Lies to disinform us absolutely. 

If it does, we have great 9/11 Truth -tellers like@DavidRayGriffin, @MichaelParenti William A Hamilton @PeterDaleScott @DanielSheehan@OliverStone @SusanSarandon @PeterPhillips @AngelaDavis @JohnJudge @NaomiWolf @_WhitneyWebb@GaryWebb @JessicaMittford @BillAyers @KevinBarrett and so many other “Truthers”or #ConpiracyResearchers willing to investigate #ConspiracyTheories in the The 9/11TruthMovement @RomeroInstitute @SusanSarandon born out of this #Berkeley #FreeSpeechmovement to thank for it.  

Here is a National Archive link to Michael Ruppert’s excellent book exposing the truth about the real perpetrators of 9/11. Maybe people could respond to the email with other links and pasted posts, etc. regarding how to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the  9/11 Truth movement. 

I know I would like to get an email list of the one million people for 9/11 truth. I think if we could do a comprehensive survey of what the world’s population would like to know about the truth regarding these DeepState events, as @PeterDaleScott defines them, we could make a argument to the SupremeCourt that in fact, we have a right to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth from all governments, corporations, persons, institutions, media and social media.   Maybe we need to get our “conservative” Supreme Court to make a decision guaranteeing our rights to this, and to provide us with a way to remove criminals who use deception and Big lies to wage invisible wars against democracy and the planet. @SCOTUS @POTUS @UNESCO @CenterforConstitutionalRights @SenatorDickDurbin@CAPO @NationalLawyersGuild @MarjorieCohn @FederalistSociety@ManhattanInstitute @HeritageFoundation @JonathanMarshall @LyndonLaRouche@CollegeofComplexes @NAACO @RepublicanNationalCommittee @DemocraticNationalCommittee

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

How Murdoch’s Fox News allowed Trump's propaganda to destabilise democra...