Fmr Trump Adv DETAILS Brazil DETAINMENT For ‘Secret Investigation,’ Bash...
The fact that right-wing platforms like this GETTR and PARLER are allowed is a real threat to democracy everywhere. We need a universal FCC Fairness Doctrine and an actually protected 1st amendment in the US which must be strengthened to cover social media which is being legally "protected" by corrupt Federalist Society and Zionist Power Configuration as a "tech" company rather than a "media" company. Why can't our justice department be just? Oh right, the Right wing gave themselves the Executive Order 12333 to not investigate the CIA and Justice Department and now their "front groups". The US neoliberal establishment is Big Brother going back to Cold War anti-communist National Review's editor James Burnham's "Manager's Revolution" which was George Orwell's model for Big Brother in 1948 - which is what Orwell was describing in 1984! More must be revealed - and reformed! Zionism is Fascism. We must stop the Republican's "Conservative" forever false flag war on communism designed to bring about the Fourth Reich. See Jim Marrs' books, "The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy" and ChristopherSimpson's "The Splendid Blond Beast" and Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism". I used to think these were interesting "conspiracy theories". They were real conspiracy warnings and they have come true. This is the Fourth Reich - an Invisible Empire: New World Order" as Jason Bermas describes it in his must see documentary, which like "Loose Change" by @DylanAvery about 9/11 being an inside job and AdamCurtis' documentary, "The Power of Nightmares" and "Everything is a Rich Man's Trick" and 1984 and Naomi Wolf's book, "Letter to a Young Patriot" and Jeff Gates' "Guilt by Association" have all held up as the grass roots intelligence about the corrupt Fascist Intelligence or "counterintelligence" - actually Nazi Fascist Intelligence as @WebsterTarpley calls it in his excellent books from @ProgressivePress. Nazi's don't investigate themselves. We must demand what #JFK was demanding which is why the CIA, FBI, Dallas Police, John McCloy, J. Edgar Hoover, Allan Dulles, Gerald Ford covered up the fact that the CIA and the FBI killed him. Our Establishment politicians in office now - Senator Mitch McConnell's office House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Hillary Clinton Joe Biden Kamala Harris - all the CIA Mossad AIPAC NRA assets know that the US and Israeli and UK establishment planned the assassinations of #JFK, #RFK, #MLK, #MalcolmX #BillieHoliday #RobertMerton #DannyCasolaro @SteveKangas @MichaelRuppert #ChristopherBollyn Michael Parenti FB friends and they spy on all of us and organize to make sure we can have no influence in politics or media because they've rigged the algorithms to make sure of it. See the excellent interview with @MaxBlumenthal on Primo Radical this week. And the interview with Chris Hedges on Institute for New Economic Thinking on Jan 19, 2021. Read their books. I probably have a thousand of them and only a few, @JeffGates' "Guilt By Association" really explicitly describes the need for us to go to war to protect the world from the "intelligence agencies" or our "allies" we have given 30 trillion dollars in debt to for killing us off with their deceptive false flag operations! We must demand 9/11 truth and Covid truth now. We must demand an honest investigation of the forever Cold War starting with the 1,000 books in my library that prove with a preponderance of evidence that calling us conspiracy theorists is the actually conspiracy theory that we must demand an open honest transparent investigation of now! cc: Mickey Huff Mark Clements Alice Kim James DiEugenio Peter Phillips Peter Dale Scott Charles Paidock Kathy Powers Frank Aubry Douglas Baker Doug Valentine Teachers for Social Justice 9/11 Truth Movement Progressive Democrats Demanding a new Congressional investigation of 9/11 Indivisible Guide Indivisible Illinois Indre Biskis Mark Crispin Miller Marilyn Katz Esther Hernandez Ellen Corley Gail Charnley Elliott John Valmas James B Turner Ashli Giles-Perkins James Gibson National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression Governor JB Pritzker Lori Lightfoot Larry Redmond Jean Roberts
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