Uncovering the Origins of COVID-19: A Scientific Discussion
Maybe we could get a bipartisan committee to independently investigate the origin of the COVID-19 if we started with this most conservative of conservative institute's findings rather than allowing the notoriously corrupt CIA to investigate the origins as Biden called for OVER THREE MONTH's AGO! Do you think Rahm Emanuel is the undue influence behind Biden assigning this investigation to the same group that is widely known to have covered up all the American Israeli #criminalstate activities that hundreds of investigatives journalists have exposed as being the treasonous double agents behind #Iran-Contra and the Deep State false flag operations from JFK to 9/11. (See the great @LaurentGuyenot book "50 Years of Deep State: From JFK to 9/11 for evidence that must be considered before an independent special investigation given that we know that the Reagan signed Executive Order 12333 established the legal basis for the takeover of our democracy by the criminal state as Jeff Gates rightly calls it in Guilt by Association - a book and video series that provides the best legal argument I have found for opening an independent Nuremberg style hearing of the criminal state embedded in our Justice Department, CIA, FBI, FISA courts, FARA courts, Federal courts, State courts, local courts. Our problem is that the dirty secret of the Federalist Society that they have been dismantling the Federal government's constitutional basis for regulating the criminal state since Bork, Scalia, Nixon, Barr, Mitch McConnell and the corrupt Republican Party essentially pulled off a coup with their coordination with the foreign intelligence services of the Israeli Revisionist Zionist Likud Party and the Mossad (led in Norht America by Rahm Emanuel and his father and Bibi Netanyahu and his father of the Kennedy assassination. More must be reveal in an independent special investigation by someone like Lawrence Walsh - not Zionist AIPAC NRA captured political operatives whose loyalty is to Fascist America First and Israel First and other Deep State organized criminal syndicates who have captured our country with blackmail racket as has been exposed by researchers @_WhitneyWebb @KevinBarrett Doug Valentine Peter Dale Scott Peter Phillips Mark Crispin Miller Hersh, Seymour Jane Mayer Webster Tarpley Larry Redmond Ellen Corley The Corbett Report joshua green Max Blumenthal Aaron Maté Luke Rudkowski Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Naomi Klein Network Dr Naomi Wolf Blackwater: A National Tour with Author Jeremy Scahill Glen greenwald David Livingstone - Author Thierry Meyssan Voltaire Network Cynthia McKinney, PhD Dr. Joseph Mercola FRONTLINE DOCTORS Rand Paul Oliver Stone Barton Gellman Mae Brussell Tribute Chris Hedges Noam Chomsky Christopher Bollyn James DiEugenio Gareth Porter George Orwell @ThierryMeyssan Stephen Kinzer Gordon Duff Ron Unz cc: David Borris ACLU People Power - Chicago ACLU Indivisible Illinois
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