Monday, February 21, 2022

Dear Michael Best: Your research article Declassifying History: Putting pieces of the past together through government documents, NEW QUESTIONS ARISE ABOUT THE “SUICIDE” OF A REPORTER By Michael Best on June 5, 2016 at the link which I am cutting and pasting for my @Facebook Deep State research friends of @PeterDaleScott, @MarkCrispinMiller, and @PeterPhillips is excellent. I,, @EllenCorley on Facebook and Twitter, am an independent research analyst dba ResearchWorks who for the last two years has been gathering and analyzing all the incriminating evidence in secondary research articles and books I can find on the state-sponsored suiciding of Danny Casolaro to silence his investigation into the Inslaw PROMIS theft. My research started with an email from William Hamilton, the owner and developer of the Inslaw PROMIS software from whom the software was stolen by Rafi Eitan around 1984. Bill Hamilton and I have many Facebook friends in common - many of whom are Deep State researchers and many of whom are FB friends of @PeterDaleScott, @MarkCrispinMiller @PeterPhillips, the former director of @ProjectCensored, and many others. I would suggest you ask to be @PeterDaleScott's friend on Facebook as that is who I tag knowing it will reach some of the best Deep State researchers there are. If you would like to share friends, contacts, links, articles, please contact me at 312-371-5078 (cell) or 312-664-2631 (my ResearchWorks home/office in Chicago). I very much appreciate the work that you and Emma Best do at in terms of using #FOIA requests to get covered-up CIA, DOJ, and other research. Maybe we could collaborate in terms of you teaching me how to do needed FOIA requests? My goal is for honest people like us to head the #CIA and the #DOJ and the #FBI, etc. so we can get the US Executive Branch and Political Parties and their #CIA / #DOJ/ #DOD/ #NSA / Supreme Court #SCOTUS/ #MEGA #neocon think tank front group's like the #UK #Crown's #GCHQ, #MI6, #NATO Gladio Team B #Likud Party #AIPAC #FederalistSociety @NRA @CambridgeAnalytica state-sponsored terrorist criminal cabal prosecuted and imprisoned for treason, and covered-up invisible Deep State coup d'etat's against America and democracies worldwide. I also like you am committed to getting truth to power about the uninvestigated cover-ups of the murder of many great investigators and whistleblowers claimed to be "suicides" or done by patsies like Danny Casolaro, Michael Ruppert, Gary Webb, Steve Kangas (by thugs associated with Richard Mellon Scaife and the Olin Foundation and American Spectator Foundation and Manhattan Institute (secretly founded by corrupt OSS/ CIA/ CREEP/ RNC Chief of Staff for Reagan, William Casey who gave the Promis software to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda. (Some of my best sources on the exact names and institutions of the unknown, media blacked out-censored reporting and forensic historical investigations on Deep State organized criminal organizations and war criminals include: Doug Valentine of "The CIA as Organized Criminal Organization" and Phoenix Project, Peter Dale Scott's and David Ray Griffin's excellent book, "9/11 and American Empire", Ralph W. McGehee's: Deadly Deceits: My 25 Years in the CIA, Wayne Madsen's Unauthorized Guide to CIA Front Groups and and Richard Blum's Rogue State and @JohnPaulLeonard's @ProgressivePress' many excellent books like "Isis is US", Kevin Barrett's "My Truth Jihad", Saied Ahmed's "War on Freedom" @ChristopherBollyn's "Solving 9/11, Michael Ruppert's and Crossing the Rubicon, Howard Zinn's People's History of American Empire and so many others) murder of many great investigators. As is written in the Conclusion on page 192 of Ralph W. McGehee's book, Deadly Deceits: My 25 Years in the CIA, The CIA is not now nor has it ever been a central intelligence agency. It is the covert action arm of the President's foreign policy advisers. In that capacity it overthows or supports foreign governments while reporting "intelligence" justifying those activities. It shapes its intelligence, even in such critical areas as Soviet nuclear weapon capability to support presidential policy. Disinformation is a large part of its cover action responsibility, and the American people are the primary target audience of its lies. As noted in the Church Committee's final report, the Agency's task is to develop an international anti-communist ideology. The CIA then links every egalitarian political movement to the scourge of international communism. This then prepares the American People and many in the world community for the second stage, the destruction of those movements. For egalitarianism is the enemy and it must not be allowed to exist. The Vietnam War was the Agency's greatest and longest disinformation operation. From 1954 until we were ejected in 1975, The Agency lied in its intelligence while propagandizing the American people. It planted a weapons shipment, forged documents, deceived everyone about the Tonkin Gulf incident, and lied continually about the composition and motivation of the South Vietnamese communists. Even now Agency historians and ex-employees try to perpetuate the propaganda themes through which it tried first to win and later to maintain American support for the war. As recently as April 22, 1981, former CIA director William Colby wrote an article for the Washington Post, portraying the Vietnam War - even in light of the Pentagon Papers disclosures - as the altruistic U.S. U.S. coming to the assistance of the South Vietnamese people. He had the audacity to recommend the period from 1968 to 1972 - the era of CIA assassination teams - as a model for use in El Salvador. Not much has changed since I left the agency. It follows all the same patterns and used the same techniques. We have seen this in relation to El Salvador, where it fabricated evidence for a White Paper the same way it did in Vietnam in 1961 and 1965. We have seen it in Iran, where it cut itself off from all contact with potential revolutionary groups to support the shah. We have seen it in the recruitment ads seeking ex-military personnel to man its paramilitary programs. We have seen it in relation to Nicaragua, where it arms Miskito Indians in an attempt to overthrow the Nicaraguan government. In this case it again exploits a naïve minority people who will be discarded as soon as their usefulness ends, as happened to with the Hmong in Laos. We have seen it in its attempts to rewrite and censor the truth. I personally have experienced this kind of agency effort recently when it censored an article I wrote about its successful operation to overthrow the government of Achmed Sukarno of Indonesia in 1965. Its operations under President Reagan have become so outrageous that even the House of Representatives intelligence Committee protected its plans to overthrow Qaddifi of Libya.6 As long as the CIA continues to run these kinds of operations, it will ot and cannot gather and collate intelligence as its charter says it must do. This leaves our government without that essential service. The most powerful and potentially most dangerous nation in the world is forcedto rely on CIA disinformation rather than genuine intelligence ecause currently there is no alternative. This situation in today’s world of poised doomsday weapons is mot acceptable. But the danger looms even greater. The Reagan Administration has taken steps to strengthen the Agency’s position. On December 4, 1981, in Executive Order 12333 entitled “United States Intelligence Activiities,” the President gave the CIA the right to conduct its illegal operations in the United States, and on April 2 1982, in Executive Order 12356 entitled “National security Information,” he limited the public’s access to government documents, thereby increasing the CIA’s ability to hide from public scrutiny. The President wants the Agency free of the constraints of public exposure so that it can gather and fabricate its disinformation unharried by criticisms and so that it can overthrow governments without the knowledge of the American people. Such activities, of course, are not in the best interest of the vast majority of Americans. For example, whenever another factory moves to a foreign country whose leader is kept in power through Agency operations, more American jobs are lost. Only the rich American increases his profits. It is for this reason that I believe that President Reagan acts as the representative of wealthy America, and, as his executive agency, the CIA acts to benefit the rich. Even after the Agency’s conspicuous failures in Vietnam, Cuba, the Middle East, and elsewhere, the fable that the CIA gathers real intelligence dies hard. But if the Agency actually reported the truth about the Third World, what would it say? It would say that the United States installs foreign leaders, arms their armies, and empowers their police all to heal those leaders repress a angry, defiant people; that the CIA-empowered leaders represent only a small fraction who kill, torture4, and impoverish their own people to maintain their position of privilege. This is true intelligence, but who wants it So instead of providing true intelligence that Agency, often ignorant, of its real role, labels the oppressed as lackeys of Soviet or Cuban or Vietnamese communism fighting not got their lives but for their communist masters. It is difficult to sell this story when the facts are otherwise, so the Agency plants weapons shipments, forges documents, broadcasts false propaganda, and transforms reality. Thus, it creates a mew reality that it then believes. Efforts to create a workable intelligence service must begin by abolishing the CIA. For a host of reasons, I believe the CIA as it now exists cannot be salvaged. The fundamental problem is that Presidents and their National Security Councils want the CIA as a covert action agency, ant an intelligence agency. As longs as the CIA is subject to such politically oriented control it cannot product accurate intelligence. Because the CIA has been and is a cover action agency, all of its operating practices have been adopted to facilitate such operations while its intelligence-collection activities have been tailored to the requirements of these covert efforts. The Agencies difficulties begin with the selection of personnel who are chosen based on personality characteristics essential for covert operation, not intelligence. The problem continues with the formation of operating rules that serve to foil the production of accurate intelligence while facilitating the implementation of covert operations. Until those factors are altered, the CIA cannot function as an intelligence agency. Covert operations must be removed from the CIA and placed in an entirely separate government agency. I would prefer recommending the total abolishment of covert operations, but that is impossible given the current world political realities. However, if a new covert action agency consisted of a handful of knowledgeable people who could in emergency situation, pull together the necessary manpower to conduct a specific covert operation the chance of its duplicating the abuses of the CIA would be lessened. If an administration at any point decided it wanted a true intelligence service, it would be easily created. But it would not be enough merely to separate covet operations from intelligence. Accurate intelligence demands an atmosphere free of political pressure. One obvious solution revolves around identifying individuals possessing recognized ability, integrity, and flexibility and gibing such individual’s lifetime or long-term non-renewable appointments to a board controlling intelligence requirements and production. That board, augmented by top gradates of political science schools in one-year clerkships, would provide the independent analytical judgment that independent authority may be unrealistic. But trained analysts, working with all-source information, overseen by a Supreme Court” of intelligence, would help to guarantee the production of accurate intelligence. Establishing g a truly effective intelligence agency is no problem. The only problem is getting our leaders to want one and that problem may be insurmountable Best regards, Ellen Corley


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