How the CIA Installs Governments That Kill Their Citizens: CIA Officer o...
This could have been written today. Nothing has changed and we must change it now as NATO is playing war games like Western neoNazi covert operations of the US Israel UK CIA BND Nato Gladio Secret Teams (see Prouty, Loftus, Talbot, Scott, Valentine, Phillips, others) in American Deep State were doing on the day of 9/11 and it has been covered up, The fact that we don't get this kind of analysis in our news shows how a fascist media monopoly is revising history. I have heard it is part of a right wing planned to bring about new world order or technocracy through Nazi leave behind armies that will terrorize us into giving up our rights and the rights of our "enemies" by using invisible "leave behind armies" under the auspices of NATO Gladio Team B to wage false flag terrorist attacks which we (NATO Gladio secret teams shadow government coordinated by US, UK, Israeli, German and corrupt CIA MI6 Mossad covert counter-intelligence infiltrated police agencies like SAVAK in Iran and KGB in Russia and others in China, Saudi Arabia which CIA, DOD, MI6, NATO controls through AI cybertechnology hacking systems. We need a Congressional sponsor to open a Congressional Hearing on the dangerous threat of the CIA covert operations which is essentially a neoNazi Reinhard Gehlen MI-6 type of operations that wages bio-warfare on the world like the current Covid-19 SARSCov-2 biowarfare attacks and kills off the whistleblowers like Danny Casolaro, Michae Ruppert to terrorize us into silence about our own neoNazi, neoFascist, neoFederalist anti-Communist league plan to bring about the Fourth Reich. We need to join the International Criminal Court and open an investigation into our own US / UK/ German, Israeli, Western powers invisible Cold War that is the great threat to civilization and life on the planet because we have been deceived about the fact that the enemy is us through our captured media. Our government is censoring all incriminating information that could be used as evidence of their own treasonous Nazi war crimes and criminal state as Jeff Gates, Alex Jones, Chris Hedges, Michael Ruppert have tried to expose it - which is why we are getting silenced overtly now. We need a Cold War hearing like the Church Commission or the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission.The Great Hack re how systems like CIA's In-Q-Tel's Facebook Cambridge Analytica was built off of Inslaw PROMIS software the 1981 Reagan Republican Party CIA, Justice Department, DOD appointees like Bush, Casey, Meese, Barr, William French Smith, Richard Armitage, top arms trafficker Khashoggi, Ghorbanifar, Saudi 9/11 financier and Bush/ Carlyle, Carlucci friend, Mahfouz stole from William and Nancy Hamilton in 1981 and sold through Israeli Superspy Robert Maxwell (Ghislene Maxwell's father) which the media and Justice Department never mentions) and to Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda, FBI's top ten most wanted Russian KGB Mafia Brainy Don" Semien #Mogelevich, others that our CIA and Justice Department never prosecute under the cover of their secret treasonous agreement, the 1981 Executive Order 12333 that created a Justice Department and CIA "longstanding Justice Department policy to not to investigate their own Organized Criminal Activities as long as the head of the CIA and the Justice Department agreed on it and it was done by hired contractors. Ukraine blamed on a "manufactured" enemy like Isis, al Qaeda, Russia, China, Iran, communism, cyberthreats, (see Gordon Thomas book, Robert Maxwell: Israeli SuperSpy). See @_WhitneyWebb excellent website for reporting on this - especially on how this Organized Criminal Enterprise is now controlling all the war crimes rightly called State Crimes Against Democracy by Western government's shadow government by scholars like @PeterDaleScott and @DavidRayGriffin.
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