Tuesday, May 17, 2022

A Mini Ice Age Cometh: Effects Through the Centuries (FULL PRESENTATION ...

I'm looking into this based on recommendation of my Facebook friend, Dixie Searway​. Here's what I just wrote her which I thought I'd share with others. Thanks for inspiring me to research it. I have been very concerned about the way the groups like LaRouche and Schiller are so good about exposing truth regarding some forms of public corruption regarding the corruption of “Illuminati” Fascists through history, yet they are completely convinced as an influence group that climate change is a hoax. I have historically chosen to believe my Liberal friends that climate change is a very real existential threat and I even wrote it up in my “questionnaire” for running for Congress on Green Party ticket that I certainly believe that we need to implement measures like the Green New Deal to address climate change, but I believe that before we can ever do anything as Congressional reps, President, etc., we have to start by removing the corrupt barriers to putting in programs that will have an impact on any issue which is the corruption of the SUPPLY SIDE. I know from growing up under a stepfather who believed in nothing but Ayn Rand Milton Friedman Alan Greenspan Supply side trickle down theory and I know that since they and all their NGO think tank supply side friends believe that environmentalism is a hoax, and they are the ones that put all the candidates in all the parties on the ballot based on the candidates agreement to never vote for an environmental climate change policy or an anti-Israel/ NATO forever-war policy, or now, an anti-vax / anti-Pfizer total propaganda policy, that Congress will never be able to actually do the right thing regarding these existential issues. …. That’s why I keep researching, and researching, and researching….. I think I’ll pass this on as well since maybe my commitment to public integrity will come across to others with public integrity such as yourself. Thanks so much for trusting me…. I hate the idea that people seem to mistakingly think I’m QAnon now days. cc: Peter Phillips​ Peter Dale Scott​ Mark Crispin Miller​ Mark Clements​ Matt Bell​ Mary Grady O'Brien​ Tony Ragona​ Amy Turner​ Jeff Kenneth Strom​ Joe Kopsick​ Alice Kim​ Anne Rein​ Ashli Giles-Perkins​ William A Hamilton​ Luke Matthews​ Lora Chamberlain​ Larry Redmond​ Lauren Turney​ Lynn Plant​ Lucia Berliner​ Lou Downey​ Lina Thorne​


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