Wednesday, August 7, 2024

WHAT A ALLY WE HAVE IN ISRAEL Shocking! This short exposee of how Israel attack the U.S.S. Liberty should be taught in schools and the U.N. Security Council and International Court of Justice back in the 7 Day war rather than covered up in 1967. We must demand the historical record of Israel's crimes against humanity and inexplicable cover-ups be officially judicially reviewed now. I believe there is a law called "collateral estoppal" that requires that a hearing that covered up crimes of the state a court hearing be heard a second time. Let's demand Sanctions on Israel now for the crimes against American in 1967 and the crimes against humanity against Palestine ever since 1967. We need to correct the atrocities deliberately planned to be waged on the "Holy Land" / Palestine/ Gaza/ the West Bank/ Jeruselum by the terrorist Revisionist Zionists of Ze'ev Jabotinsky and his terrorist Lieutinant's, the fathers of Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו and Rahm Emanuel (who is no doubt now planning more dirty financial wars on the world and #China as America's Ambassador to Japan,). We must investigate American and Israel and the UK and Germany and NATO's Operation Gladio for the crimes against humanity for waging invisible deceptive false flag terrorist warfare on the world and democracies in the name of a "war on Communism" and a "war on terrorism" or "Islamic terrorism" - all of which were planned by the neoFascist Zionist Terrorist State of Israel. See the 1948 document submitted to the UN called "Atrocities in the Holy Land" where it is stated that they planned on starting with the murder / genocide of women and children and included putting biological warfare labs into Palestine to leak man-made gain-of-function germ warfare into the water and air. How much more evidence do we need before we sanction Israel, not the innocent victims of Israel, Iran, Russia, China, Venezuala who the US and Israel and the UK City of London, aka, the Crown, which are the Black nobility oligarchs led by the founders of Israel Zionist neoNazi state, the Rothschilds. Most damning evidence that needs to be exposed as well is that Lord Victor Rothschild actually was the 5th Man in the Cambridge 5 Spy Ring that stole America's depleted uranium for Israel's 70 nuclear missile technology in Dimona from the US NUMEC plant in Apollo Pennsylvania and they killed President John F. Kennedy to keep him from insisting on inspecting them to keep them honest about reducing nuclear proliferation. Israel is so egregiously evil and psychopathically hypocritical in enforcing its draconian IDF Gestapo Stasi police state code of silence by putting the whistleblower, Vanunu in solitary confinement/ torture for years as a form of intellectual terrorism to discourage others from speaking out. No doubt, Israel's evil military policies which it enforces on the United States Army Department of Defense is why the United States Special Forces and it seems our Police Forces now are required to sign a Non-disclosure agreement NDA that agrees that if they tell anyone about the atrocities that they wage on innocent women and children around the world, they agree that they will be automatically be put into prison for life for treason. This is intellectual terrorism that no doubt is why the suicide rate among soldiers who reportedly rape one third of the young female and male soldiers. Israel is the greatest proponent of rape as a disciplinary technique used with inpunity against Palestinian young boys and girls regularly as standare psychological warfare. Americans need to see Robert Malone's latest speech at the Mises Institute about the reality of psychological warfare being waged on him as it has been on me, Ellen Corley by getting me blacklisted by the Green Party from even being able to get on the Ballot in Illinois for Congress on the basis of their falsely labeling me as being anti-Semitic because I wrote on my application that my reason for running for office is to expose this kind of Jewish / Russian Mafia culture that has been infiltrated into the United States government at every level through their Political Action Committees and the AIPAC Israel Lobby and the 504-C3 Think Tanks like the Manhattan Institute which my stepfather Charles H. Brunie of Oppenheimer Capital co-founded with William Casey and UK Antony Fischer to promote free market ideas but I'm not my stepfather wasn't aware of William Casey's criminal strategic plan to disinform the world by subverting the FCC Fairness Doctrine and then dismantling the Telecommunications Act thereby enabling ultra-Zionist Rupert Murdoch to create a media monopoly by a Foreign Agent without registering as a Foreign Agent. This is the way ultra-Zionist Oligarchs called the Mega Group has conspired for decades to subvert and defraud Democracy in America and worldwide going back to their Nazi roots when the SS Head of Nazi Intelligence against Russia, Reinhard Gehlen worked with his translator's Henry Kissinger and Theodore Shackley and Allan Dulles and William Donovan and the UK's Ambassador to the William Stevenson to create the National Security Act of 1947-48 to create the CIA and the Germany Gehlen Organization, now the German equivalent of the CIA, with the vague legal loophole that enabled them to wage dirty wars and genocides and assassinations on "communist" countries - and keep them secret by doing it through the World Bank and the IMF and the big American's banks with the handshake agreement called Executive Order 12333 that Reagan signed that ensured that the CIA as an Organized Criminal Syndicate responsible for all the drug and arms and human trafficking world wide would not be prosecuted by the Justice Department. This is why there has been no prosecution of the CIA or a President for all the crimes against humanity waged by the US since 1945 in the name of the Cold War and its time that America the Greatest Threat to Peace on Earth according to valid reliable statistical surveys be held to account and brought to justice. This is the platform that I, @EllenCorley, propose that I run on for President because as we know from Congressman Thomas Massie in his shocking interview with Tucker Carlson 95-97 percent of every Congressional Representative and Senator has an AIPAC baby sitter that tells them what policies they can vote yes or no on. The bottom line is that the JFK assassination was a coup d'etat as Oliver Stone and #SydneyBlumenthal and Christopher Bollyn and Laurent Guyenot and many of us have bravely said because it is clear that telling the truth abut Israel being behind what @peterdalescott and @olaTunander call Deep State Events like the JFK assassination, and the RFK assassination and the MLK assassination and the assassination of Malcolm X and Lumanba in the Congo and Paul Wellstone in the US and 9/11, Iran-Contra, the Plandemic biological warfare attack and arranged Wuhan lab leak of gain-of-function single cell parasites made at the Fort Detrick Biowarfare CRSPR lab that was funded by our Congress in 2004 and laundered through Homeland Security, the Commerce Committee, Anthony Fauci and none of the government representatives who signed off on this vaccine counter-measures funding has dared to speak out like Cynthia McKinney, PhD or Paul Findley did about Israel which is why they were "primaried" as Donald J. Trump gloats about. How much more corruption can Americans endure? Have we no shame? cc: Mark Crispin Miller Peter Dale Scott Brandon Johnson Peter Phillips Kevin J Barrett Max Blumenthal Noam Chomsky Pope Francis - A Man of His Word Project Censored Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) The Electronic Intifada Human Rights Watch HumanRights - Human Rights Activists ACLU National Organization for Women (NOW) NAACP Manhattan Institute for Policy Research The Heritage Foundation The Federalist Society The Chris Hedges Report Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President 2024 Supporters Worldwide Jill Stein Green Party Libertarian Party Republican Governors Association (RGA) Democratic Governors Association (DGA) Governor JB Pritzker AIPAC The Cato Institute American Enterprise Institute Voice of America Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Vladimir Putin The Chicago Reporter NPR BBC News MintPress News Ellen Corley ResearchWorks 1500 N LaSalle, #3D Chicago, IL 60610 312-371-5078 (c) 312-664-2631 (h/o) @EllenCorley


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