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Am so happy that after 30+ years of activism by many Chicago social justice organizers led by amazing #GeraldReed's mother, Armanda Shackelford, Gerald Reed was finally freed. I'm looking forward to meeting him in person and working with him to publicize the need for prosecution of those complicit in the cover-up of the many Burge torture victims and in some cases, survivors, who are still being tortured by being wrongfully convicted and persecuted by the Special Prosecutor, RobertMilan, who has been violating the only regulation that prosecutors can and should be convicted or at least disbarred for which is working in two different capacities as a lawyer which in this case is a clearly egregious conflict of interest - in that Milan has been the Special Prosecutor continuing to keep Burge's and his lieutinent's many innocent, often tortured, incarcerated for up to 48 years that I know of (#EugeneHorton) based on his false malicious prosecution allegations that he had evidence, which there never was any, while also having a clear conflict of interest in Robert Milan being paid to defend the City of Chicago Corporation from "liability" they would face if the wrongfully convicted were given the legal reparations they are entitled to which is a million dollars for every year they were wrongfully convicted. Clearly that would be a big hit on the city of Chicago, and maybe it should be "renegotiated", but clearly, there is an egregiously criminal political conspiracy if the way the City of Chicago is "managing" this "risk" is to keep the innocent victim of police, prosecutor, and political officials in prison to protect the real criminals in the political police state. The bottom line is this is just the tip of the iceberg in our current Mafia state which is why we need a Frank Church / Iran-Contra/ Watergate style of truth and reparations commission in order to prosecute the vast right wing conspiracy of criminal operatives in all the current political parties and then restore actual criminal justice reforms that were thrown out by Nixon Reagan Bush and Clinton Obama Biden Justice Department, FBI, CIA, NSA, Nato, Homeland Security, Mossad, MI6. and police fusion systems and security services that have been connected to those in England, Israel, and Canada since the Inslaw PROMIS Justice Department software was stolen from Bill and Nancy Hamilton in 1981 by the Reagan Bush Casey Meese Barr Justice Department CIA operative and covered up under their corrupt Executive Order 12333 "Justice Department" policy not to prosecute their own unless the Justice Department and the CIA "agreed". This is how we got the corrupt National Security Restoration Act of 1994 which led to 2/5 of all US funding that should have gone to UN peacekeeping actually going to NATO Gladio Team B Straussian neocon's CIA covert operations which have actually been waging 4th Reich shadow government plan to dominate the world through #ElliotAbram's #TotalInformationAwareness programs that have been used to cover up their being the actual origin of the pro-Nazi Reinhard Gehlen Dulles Brothers plan to use false flag terrorist operations and assassinations of our own peace / anti-war activists including John F Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, Thomas Merton, Abby Hoffman, and so many others that are still being covered up by the Hidden Hand of the Alt Right shadow governments embedded in a fifth Column of Nazis going back to the Cold War ratlines that shielded Klaus Barbie, Reinhart Gehlen, John Foster Dulles, and Lemnitizer and other traitors with the creation of the CIA and the CIA-backed Gehlen Organization which is now the West German version of the CIA. The bottom line is the enemy is us which is why the US/ Israeli/ UK media neocons have taken complete control over the media narrative through their take over of the news and history itself and used this current plandemic to enforce their Marshall law level of totalitarian control over the no long free world.
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