Friday, April 16, 2021

Thom Hartmann Program Live (04/16/2021)

I am trying to pose this question to @RoKhanna (D-CA) & head of progressive caucus on ThomHartmann but am blocked. This happens to me alot - as I believe it does to those like Robert Kennedy who is being censored to keep whisteblowers from getting complaints and concerns to Washington through Congress or any branch. Maybe someone else could get this question to him where people will hear it. That would be free speech and freedom of information and intelligence integrity. We have been run by a malicious ultraZionist shadow government or "deep state" since Israel Mossad Rafi Eitan stole the Inslaw PROMIS software and is using it to take over the world using biowarfare pandemic through Fauci, Fort Detrick, Wuhan coronavirus manufactured through gain of function nanotechnology and use media propaganda to place blame on Communist Chinese Party.  
We need to ask him about how we can open a commission to correct th effects of the 1981 Executive Order that was a secret agreement that the @JusticeDepartment would not investigate the CIA's war crimes and development of biowarfare including the gain of function air borne corona virus and t-cells which led to the AIDS epidemic where government was looking other way.
cc: Peter Phillips​ Rep. Ro Khanna​ U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders​ Senator Mitt Romney​ Senator Sheldon Whitehouse​ Thom Hartmann Listeners​ NSA - National Security Agency​ National Nuclear Security Administration​ Peter Dale Scott​ Mark Crispin Miller​ Ellen Corley​


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