Police vs Antifa opposing right-wing spa protest in LA - Raw Footage
The police hard hats are just like the "hard hats" were in the 60's and 70's. Tax payers shouldn't have to pay for it. RefuseFascism I stand with #Antifa! They have had my back and I know there is alot of right wing propaganda vilifying them but don't believe it. The cops are a fascist police state force that must be resisted. See the documentary, #DoNotResist. We must expose the corrupt origin of the Fascist extremism as being with Hitler's Third Reich. But we have to get the media -re-regulated with Fairness Doctrine and breaking up the media monopoly first to even get the real story told to public opinion. As Edward Snowden explains in an excellent talk with Lawrence Wilkenson a few years ago, our political "state" knows the truth and they are just employing the secret 1981 Executive Order 12333 and not investigating or prosecuting themselves. This all was part of the Republican Tea Party/ Neoconservative/ NeoLiberal/ "ultra-conservative"/ ultra-ZionistPowerConfiguration/ Southern Strategy going back to the 1947 National Security Act. The Cold War was planned by Kissinger/ Allan Dulles/ Reinhard Gehlen/ Leo Strauss/ Carl Schmitt's OSS/ SS/ and it turns out, the "Crown's Pilgrim's Society and Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The Tail is wagging the dog. Only the truth can set u. free. We must ave an informed public opinion. That is why progressive educators like John Dewey and Jane Addams fought for us to have public schools and education - to teach us how to find truth and help others find the truth - and affirm our rights to equal rights. As Benjamin Franklin said, it's a "Democratic" Republic - if we can keep it. We have to demand the Justice department prosecute and stop the criminal CIA from using the drug wars to maintain power over LA the way that Maxine Waters and Gary Webb and Michael Ruppert and Peter Dale Scott and Steve Kangas and Oliver Stone and Michael Parenti and Jim Marrs and Jim Keith and Kenn Thomas and Robert Parry and other completely and courageously honest Free Speech activists exposed the CIA was doing in 1997 when Maxine Waters and LA contronted the CIA was and is the trillion dollar conspiracy that has captured our government organization and policing and Justice Department and Homeland Security and DHHS, CDC, WHO which is why they can unleash a biowarfare created virus on us that as Rand Paul has told Fauci in the Senate - and the government and the media just continues with their CiA Denial and Deception campaign - because they are all frightened collaborators with the America Police State as David Wise called it in the 1970's. The facts are clear. We have a Fascist police state waging a racist political war on the people in America today just as we have had since 1947. We must demand that Biden tear up the CIA and throw it to the wind as Kennedy was about to do, but Biden doesn't have the loyalty to the people that Kennedy had. That is why the Israeli Zionist Likud State state has bought all our politicians since Citizens United decision in 2019 picked them. Until we start demanding truth in media, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, LGBT's, whistleblowers, truth tellers and left wing activists of all kind will be crushed by the militarized police state which is using Palantir/ Pegasus/ PRISM/ and all of our trillions of dollars of public debt to crush us. Unless all of America stands together as independents and Anarchists and Communists and Socialists and Democratic Republicans stand up get get behind these left-wing progressive activist leaders and investigative journalists, they will continue to be punished physically and economically by the Kochtopus/ Tea Party/ Oligarch's who really control America. We have to demand an investigation of the invisible Nazi Fascist Fourth Reich spies of the British monarchy and the Israel Mossad agents like Jonathan Pollard / Rafi Eitan/ Rahm Emanuel and the SMOM "Vatican Bankers" and the Israeli/ Epstein/ Robert Maxwell/ William Barr/ Ed Meese/ Earl Brian traitors who stole the Inslaw PROMIS Internet masterkey rigged by Wackenhut and Hadron and Systematics and Israel's Unit 8200 and InfoTech and In-Q-Tel 's and are using it to surveille, profiling and misinform us and ultimately, to kill us all off - as has been the Eugenic's plan behind the Fort Detrick "genetic engineering" technocracy all along.
We should start by helping the FTC sue Facebook for their monopoly power that they got through their corrupt capture of the Justice Department and the CIA in 1981 with the Reagan-signed Executive Order 12333 that Gary Webb and Rodney Stich exposed as the legal dirty trick that the Department of Justice and the CIA would not investigate their widely exposed role in being the organized crime syndicate that was trafficking cocaine, crack, opium and then blaming it on the small time dealers like Ricky Ross in LA. This is why the CIA under George HW Bush and William Casey and the Justice Department under Ed Meese and William Barr and William Weld and Bradley Reynolds and the Israeli Mossad through Rafi Eitan, Robert Maxwell, Jonathan Pollard and Ari ben Menashe and the Israeli Zionist Power Configuration and Mafia Jeffrey Epstein and Robert Maxwell and Benjamin Netanyahu and Rahm Emanuel stole the Inslaw Promis software from William and Nancy Hamilton and used CIA cutouts like Wackenhut contractors, Michael Riconosciotto to rig it with a Trojan Horse back door so that the UK GCHQ and the American NSA In-Q-Tel, and the Russian KBG and the Internet Research Agency and the Israeli Mossad Unit 8200 "by way of deception" could create groups like Google, Amazon, YouTube, Facebook and Cambridge Analytica and SCL Elections to misinform us by replacing news with propaganda to miseducate us and dumb us down in order to divide and conquer us and thereby steal our elections and place only corrupt compromised puppets in power - as long as they do the will of the real shadow government within the government - the Oligarchs who are essentially Lucifer himself. More must be revealed.
cc: @PeterDaleScott @PeterPhillips @JeanetteTaylor @MarkCrispinMiller @LukeMatthews @EllenCorley
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