Wednesday, February 23, 2022

UNREPENTANT: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide (FULL)

Although there are several sites online that label this news story #MurderbyDecree by #KevinAnnett as false, and I may get censored or deplatformed or moved down in Facebook rankings by a Facebook’s corrupt censoring outsourced to a group called @NewsGuard according to the excellent, but highly censored book, The Truth About COVID-19: Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccines Passports, and the New Normal: Why We Must Unite in a Global Movement for Health and Freedom by @DrJosephMercola, @RonnieCummins with a forward by @RobertFKennedyJr, but I believe it is important that the world hear this from the words of Kevin Annett "The French Connection" himself in the spirit of the truly Jeffersonian Democratic Republican #antifederalist #antiFascist humanitarian, pro-HumanRights, natural criminal common law jurist which I can see he embodies. And although I had never heard of Kevin Annett before finding this story online that a judge in the Republic of Kanata, which I've haver heard of, the more I search online for information about him and his story, I find him to be very a very credible social justice activist and whistleblower about century of genocides and atrocities in Native American residential schools in Western Canada which is why social media is attempting to black out all media coverage of his inspiring example of the kind of moral courage and social activism we all must demonstrate in the face of the current Fourth Reich/ "New World Order: Invisible Empire" (See @JasonBermas movie by that name) / Project for a New American Century/ Contract with America/ @NewtGingrich/ @DickArmy/ #RepublicanNationalCommittee/ #LikudParty/ #AIPAC/ #NRA/ neocon/ Luciferian/ just plain evil / Globalist ultra-Zionist Nazi Fascist empire's recent Cold War atrocities we see in terms of the US/ NATO/ Israel/ UK Gladio false flag propaganda driven abuse of power of imposing their Cold War World Anti-Communist League / Sovereign Military Order of Malta/ Saint John of Jerusalem / Mossad-style covert operations/ imperialist covert political monopoly violations of anti-trust law / international treaty law and US constitutional commerce law prohibiting foreign corrupt practices and pushing corrupt Patriot Act “unitary executive power” coup d’etat -rationalized economic sanctions on Russia which is a violation of Nuremberg Laws against wars against peace and use of Reinhard Gehlen-created Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty propaganda to manufacture consent of disinformed public opinion of Americans for the benefit of self-interested Western oligarchs and captured political privatizers of the public estate and the military and the treasuries of the world through corrupt criminal Central Banks like the Federal Reserve and the BIS and the Bank of Russia and Bank of Israel to push their wars of aggression for Russian and Israeli Mafia profiteering by FBI most wanted criminals like @SemienMogelevich and the Israeli intelligence agencies who stole Inslaw PROMIS software and made it into PTech for organizing 9/11 attacks for al Qaeda, Palatir for targeting, deporting, droning the refugees we should be protecting, @Systematics for moneylaundering campaign finances for the criminal campaign finance Jurists like the Supreme Court prosecutors like Ted Olson and John Roberts who gave us Citizens United and the international law violating Mafia-style police state agit-propaganda terrorism against Russia and Russian-backed areas of the Ukraine the Dombask that have chosen to align with Russia rather than Nazi Fascist NATO Gladio Team B which we know has been backed by Nazi Fascist backer of dirty wars of aggression for total spectrum dominance using stolen Artificial Intelligence Total Information Awareness cybertechnology of the kind described by Newton Lee in Facebook Nation and which brilliant historian scholar and former LaRouche Organization scholar, @DavidLivingstone and other honest Muslim historiographers like Kevin J Barrett Truth Jihad and Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice and Mark Crispin Miller Peter Dale Scott Peter Phillips have been warning us have used to spy on all of us.


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