Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Toxic Espionage Act & Florida's Toxic Water Spill

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Inquiry needed into govts’ Covid-19 failures

Inquiry needed into govts’ Covid-19 failures: The Noam Chomsky Website.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Fauci Accused Of Lying To Congress About Virus Research

GANG OF COPS Called ‘The Executioners’ Under Investigation?

Ellen Corley
There are so many stories like this in Chicago and after working on it for years, I have figured out how the criminal Deep State works but have not figured out how to get past their ability to silence those who try to get the truth to an honest person in the Justice Department. This call by MaxineWaters may be the perfect way to start. We have to get a hearing on this since it is the Justice Department, CIA, Homeland Security that are running this Mafia state and they have used our entire Internet infrastructure which they have hacked with ultimate masterkey using software like Inslaw PROMIS which the Reagan Justice Department stole and gave themselves immunity for stealing and using in 1981 with the Reagan signed Executive Order 12333. Send this information to your Congressional and all representatives and give it to groups like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, NAACP, UNESCO, International Criminal Court, Human Rights Watch. America is a War Crime State and only we the people - especially the mothers of the wrongfully convicted and punished and tortured and murdered - can expose them. The best defense is a good offense. The prosecutors are the criminals and we must restore the Federal Honest Services Laws and enact the Citizens Protection Act and take away Prosecutors Absolute Immunity for prosecution and Police qualitfied immunity from prosecution. The corrupt legal counsels like Allan Dulles, Reinhard Gehlen, William Casey, Klaus Barbie, in the SS, OSS, OAS, SMOM, PilgrimsSociety, CFR, CIA, MI6, Mossad, NATO Gladio, US Justice Department and Supreme Court gave themselves this power to take over the world in violation of the Constitution and Universal Human Rights since they started substituting truth in intelligence and knowledge systems and history with deceptive Revisionist Zionist history in 1981 when Zionist Mossad Head Rafi Eitan, Jonathan Pollard, Earl Brian, were given the Inslaw PROMIS system and rigged it so as to cover their tracks - often by killing or otherwise silencing the messengers like Steve Kangas, Gary Webb, Michael Ruppert, Robert Parry, and others who dared to speak out like @OliverStone ever since. The evidence is easily uncoverable/ discoverable if there is a will to prosecute. The Clinton's Rose Law firm and powerful billionaire interest groups like Jackson Stevens, Earl Brian, Vince Foster, Rahm Emanuel, Richard Brennecke who financed the Clinton campaign used a system built off of the Wackenhut rigged Inslaw PROMIS system called Systematics to finance the campaign using covered up drugrunning of millions of dollars of cocaine into Mena Arkansas which was exposed by Iran Contra and Inslaw PROMIS investigators, Robert Parry, Lawrence Walsh, Danny Casolaro, Rodney Stich, Eliot Richardson, Gordon Thomas, Sherman Skulnick, David Wise, Steve Kangas, Mae Brussell, Alex Constantine, @OliverStone, @JamesdiEugenio.

Operation Gladio - Full 1992 documentary BBC

Police vs Antifa opposing right-wing spa protest in LA - Raw Footage

Thursday, July 22, 2021

CREEPY! The Truth Is SO MUCH DARKER Than We Know!

Police vs Antifa opposing right-wing spa protest in LA - Raw Footage

The police hard hats are just like the "hard hats" were in the 60's and 70's. Tax payers shouldn't have to pay for it. RefuseFascism I stand with #Antifa! They have had my back and I know there is alot of right wing propaganda vilifying them but don't believe it. The cops are a fascist police state force that must be resisted. See the documentary, #DoNotResist. We must expose the corrupt origin of the Fascist extremism as being with Hitler's Third Reich. But we have to get the media -re-regulated with Fairness Doctrine and breaking up the media monopoly first to even get the real story told to public opinion. As Edward Snowden explains in an excellent talk with Lawrence Wilkenson a few years ago, our political "state" knows the truth and they are just employing the secret 1981 Executive Order 12333 and not investigating or prosecuting themselves. This all was part of the Republican Tea Party/ Neoconservative/ NeoLiberal/ "ultra-conservative"/ ultra-ZionistPowerConfiguration/ Southern Strategy going back to the 1947 National Security Act. The Cold War was planned by Kissinger/ Allan Dulles/ Reinhard Gehlen/ Leo Strauss/ Carl Schmitt's OSS/ SS/ and it turns out, the "Crown's Pilgrim's Society and Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The Tail is wagging the dog. Only the truth can set u. free. We must ave an informed public opinion. That is why progressive educators like John Dewey and Jane Addams fought for us to have public schools and education - to teach us how to find truth and help others find the truth - and affirm our rights to equal rights. As Benjamin Franklin said, it's a "Democratic" Republic - if we can keep it. We have to demand the Justice department prosecute and stop the criminal CIA from using the drug wars to maintain power over LA the way that Maxine Waters and Gary Webb and Michael Ruppert and Peter Dale Scott and Steve Kangas and Oliver Stone and Michael Parenti and Jim Marrs and Jim Keith and Kenn Thomas and Robert Parry and other completely and courageously honest Free Speech activists exposed the CIA was doing in 1997 when Maxine Waters and LA contronted the CIA was and is the trillion dollar conspiracy that has captured our government organization and policing and Justice Department and Homeland Security and DHHS, CDC, WHO which is why they can unleash a biowarfare created virus on us that as Rand Paul has told Fauci in the Senate - and the government and the media just continues with their CiA Denial and Deception campaign - because they are all frightened collaborators with the America Police State as David Wise called it in the 1970's. The facts are clear. We have a Fascist police state waging a racist political war on the people in America today just as we have had since 1947. We must demand that Biden tear up the CIA and throw it to the wind as Kennedy was about to do, but Biden doesn't have the loyalty to the people that Kennedy had. That is why the Israeli Zionist Likud State state has bought all our politicians since Citizens United decision in 2019 picked them. Until we start demanding truth in media, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, LGBT's, whistleblowers, truth tellers and left wing activists of all kind will be crushed by the militarized police state which is using Palantir/ Pegasus/ PRISM/ and all of our trillions of dollars of public debt to crush us. Unless all of America stands together as independents and Anarchists and Communists and Socialists and Democratic Republicans stand up get get behind these left-wing progressive activist leaders and investigative journalists, they will continue to be punished physically and economically by the Kochtopus/ Tea Party/ Oligarch's who really control America. We have to demand an investigation of the invisible Nazi Fascist Fourth Reich spies of the British monarchy and the Israel Mossad agents like Jonathan Pollard / Rafi Eitan/ Rahm Emanuel and the SMOM "Vatican Bankers" and the Israeli/ Epstein/ Robert Maxwell/ William Barr/ Ed Meese/ Earl Brian traitors who stole the Inslaw PROMIS Internet masterkey rigged by Wackenhut and Hadron and Systematics and Israel's Unit 8200 and InfoTech and In-Q-Tel 's and are using it to surveille, profiling and misinform us and ultimately, to kill us all off - as has been the Eugenic's plan behind the Fort Detrick "genetic engineering" technocracy all along.

We should start by helping the FTC sue Facebook for their monopoly power that they got through their corrupt capture of the Justice Department and the CIA in 1981 with the Reagan-signed Executive Order 12333 that Gary Webb and Rodney Stich exposed as the legal dirty trick that the Department of Justice and the CIA would not investigate their widely exposed role in being the organized crime syndicate that was trafficking cocaine, crack, opium and then blaming it on the small time dealers like Ricky Ross in LA. This is why the CIA under George HW Bush and William Casey and the Justice Department under Ed Meese and William Barr and William Weld and Bradley Reynolds and the Israeli Mossad through Rafi Eitan, Robert Maxwell, Jonathan Pollard and Ari ben Menashe and the Israeli Zionist Power Configuration and Mafia Jeffrey Epstein and Robert Maxwell and Benjamin Netanyahu and Rahm Emanuel stole the Inslaw Promis software from William and Nancy Hamilton and used CIA cutouts like Wackenhut contractors, Michael Riconosciotto to rig it with a Trojan Horse back door so that the UK GCHQ and the American NSA In-Q-Tel, and the Russian KBG and the Internet Research Agency and the Israeli Mossad Unit 8200 "by way of deception" could create groups like Google, Amazon, YouTube, Facebook and Cambridge Analytica and SCL Elections to misinform us by replacing news with propaganda to miseducate us and dumb us down in order to divide and conquer us and thereby steal our elections and place only corrupt compromised puppets in power - as long as they do the will of the real shadow government within the government - the Oligarchs who are essentially Lucifer himself. More must be revealed.

cc: @PeterDaleScott @PeterPhillips @JeanetteTaylor @MarkCrispinMiller @LukeMatthews @EllenCorley

VIRAL Fauci, Paul CLASH Spotlights FAILURE To Fairly Cover Gain Of Funct...

Friday, July 16, 2021

The Epstein MEGA CONNECTIONS With Whitney Webb!

For the real story on the criminality of Ken Starr's connections to Jeffrey #Epstein , Merrick Garland and FBI and Congress and the International Criminal Court must an official racketeering case based on evidence that has been gathered by videos like the attached interview of @_WhitneyWebb and @JasonBermas where they review Whitney Webb's outstanding 2019 3 part series in @MintPressNews - which Whitney Webb starting researching after reading @DougValentine's outstanding The CIA as Organized Crime:  

We need a group like the Consortium of Investigative Reporters in league with official #UN International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court to work together with International Criminal Law experts like @FrancisBoyle and @JeffGates and @DavidMcGowan and @RobertKennedy of @Children'sDefense and @RayMcGovern and @JulianAssange and @EdwardSnowden and @NaomiWolf and @LeeCamp @CorbettReport and @DavidTalbot and @LaRoucheOrg and @RefuseFascism and @JohnWhitehouse and @PeterPhillips and @MarkCrispinMiller and @NaomiKlein and @NaomiWolf and @ReinerFuellmich and @DavidKovelek and @SteveCorbett and @ChrisLynnHedges, and @JohnPilger, and me, @EllenCorley, like they did for the Panama Papers. For those who weren't as familiar with @JasonBermis, all I know is he was producer of one of the best documentaries out there on #InvisibleEmpire:NewWorldOrder and Fabled Enemies.

They get into the real dirt on #RoyCohn's connections to Bill Casey - who supposedly talked talked everyday until Bill Casey was silenced in 1987 - with Bob Woodward in the room.  Interestingly, she connects William Barr to this Iran-Contra gang in this video.  Finally, Whitney Webb, in this video, gets into an official explanation of Bill Barr's father, Donald Barr - who weirdly hired Epstein for the elite New York city Dalton School, math teaching job....

What's the connection?  They are all part of the little known #Mega and probably the Pilgrim's Society and Sovereign Military Order of Malta asI like that Whitney Webb connects Epstein with the Mega Group network that also includes Meyer Lansky, Roy Cohn, Rupert Murdoch, Ron Lauder, and the Zionist Power Configuration that @JamesPetras has exposed so brilliantly in his book, "Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of US Power"

It occurs to me that @MerrickGarland should connect the Ken Starr to the Inslaw PROMIS software and connections to Peter Theil who funded Carbyne. 

We the people must demand an official investigation into the war crimes, genocides, stolen elections and on-going false flag attacks that this #DeepState cabal, (as @PeterDaleScott and @PeterPhilips and @DavidRayGriffin and @DanielGansser and @DavidLivingstone and @TheirryMeyssen and @ChristopherBollyn and @AlexJones and @RodneyStich, and @ShermanSkulnick and @DannyCasolaro and @CheriSeymour and @KennThomas and @JimKeith and @SteveKangas and @RobertParry and @GordonThomas and @MaxBlumenthal and @AaronMate and @JeremyScahitt and @GlenGreenwald and @MarkCrispinMiller and so many of us including me, @EllenCorley, have been trying to get published and in the news - only for this information to be algorithmically covered up because the criminal state's captured @JusticeDepartment and their Republican Party lawyers has been shielding these traitors from justice by @KenStarr - who was prosecuting #Clinton for Monica Lewinski and Blackwater, while looking the other was regarding the Hillary Clinton's and Rose Law Firm's and Jackson Steven's and Vince Foster's biggest client, the #Systematics software that was developed off of the Back-door Enhanced Inslaw PROMIS software that enabled the Rahm Emanuel, #ZionistPowerConfiguration - as James Petras rightly calls it - to steal the election from Jimmy Carter by arranging for the Iranian's to not release the hostages prior to the election as they would have done if they hadn't been bribed by George HW Bush (then head of the CIA as well as Reagan Vice President Elect - something Reagan hadn't wanted).  The stolen PROMIS software also enabled the Zionist Power Configuration - through their treasonous moles in the US Justice Department - Ken Starr and Rahm Emanuel and William Barr- to cover up the "high crimes and misdemeanors" which was the real treason which was allowing the Israeli-American Zionist Power Configuration Lobby and the Mega Group and the PNAC - buy all the parties and all the branches of the government and the media and the Internet the Democratic Party and the Republican Party and the media - so they could control America's treasury and funnel it toward funding Israel's and the Zionist Revisionist Likud Party's bringing about the Fourth Reich as has been the Plan arranged by the treasonous pro-Nazi Fascist Traitors Allan Dulles, Henry Kissinger and the Pilgrim's Society and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Rothschild's / Morgan/ J P Morgan/ BIS financiers of Hitler's Third Reich who planned after World War II to bring about the Fourth Reich through their planned "strategy of tension - which was to stage false flag events like the Kennedy Assassination, 9/11 attacks and the Biological Warfare Pandemics which they blame on their designated enemy - calling them "communist" or totalitarian or Fascist when in fact, it is Ken Starr, and essentially all of the current politicians in all parties who are the traitors who have taken the "dirty money" from the Koch's and the Mega Group and not spoken up about how it is being used to fund forever Fascist terrorist asymmetric warfare

m essentially have

i(according to suppressed witnesses who flew Bush, Casey to meetings at Pepsi Headquarters in Spain and other 

DNC and the Clinton's Campaign 

Ken Starr and Robert Maxwell and Rafi Eitan and 

by the Campaign Finance Managers and Bundlers and Super Pacs 

using their master key to the Internet and the US Treasury, the Central Banks, the #BIS, BCCI, the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Russia, the Bank of Israel, - all of which we know from whistle blowers like @RichardBrennecke and @DannyCasolaro and @MichaelRuppert and @RodneyStich were used for money laundering 

by target for literal Mafia hit jobs 

 and have been murders and cover-up 

Robert Maxwell, Rafi Eitan, Earl Brian, Ed Meese, and how Robert Maxwell and the Mossad and the Israeli Intelligence and how John Tower was involved and how it connects to Danny Casolaro's obvious suicide - as was established by Gordon Thomas.  She connects them to the "NSA of Israel", Unit 8200.

We have a confirmed letter sent to William Weld by Justice Department Reynolds confirming their arrangement of the Inslaw PROMIS software to Mahfouz, through Adnan Khashoggi, 

Her linking, sourcing of all this investigations that the Justice Department and the CIA agreed by the 1981 Reagan Signed Executive Order 12333 to not investigate this CIA Justice Department Organized Criminal Organization - which is the Z

 - addition to new book by Julie K. Brown, the Miami Herald reporter who covered Epsten and his accusers for years. 

Clinton Prosecutor Ken Starr Was ‘Most Powerful Force’ in Jeffrey Epstein’s 2008 Plea Deal, New Book Says
Lindsey Ellefson
Wed, July 14, 2021, 11:02 AM·2 min read
Jeffrey Epstein
American financier
Bill Clinton
42nd President of the United States
Ken Starr
American judge and educational administrator
Monica Lewinsky
American television personality
Julie K. Cat Browning​
American journalist
Explore the topics mentioned in this article
Ken Starr, the prosecutor who obsessively pursued former president Bill Clinton over his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, was largely responsible for securing convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s secret 2008 plea deal. The revelation comes via a new book from Julie K. Brown, the Miami Herald reporter who covered Epstein and his accusers for years.
“Although I go into this more in my book, Ken Starr was probably the most powerful force behind Jeffrey Epstein’s secret plea deal. Without him, it probably would not have happened the way it did, and Epstein would have ended up in prison for a very long time,” the “Perversion of Justice” author wrote on Twitter Tuesday.
Starr told TheWrap Wednesday, “It’s not appropriate to discuss any counsel I or my law firm provided to a client. I have always tried to act with integrity and to be guided by the great principles of the American legal system.”
In 2008, federal investigators identified dozens of underage victims, but Epstein plead guilty to only two charges: procuring a child for prostitution and soliciting a prostitute. As a result of the non-prosecution agreement, he only served 13 months in a county jail and enjoyed work-release privileges. The deal halted an ongoing FBI probe into whether Epstein had more victims, as well as whether there were other powerful people involved.
In a Medium post out Tuesday, Starr’s former advisor Judi Hershman recalled her time with the man best known for his 1998 investigation into Bill Clinton’s relationship with White House intern-turned-staffer Monica Lewinsky.
“There was the time in January 2010 when I saw him in California — he was then dean of the Pepperdine University School of Law — and he asked me, if on my next visit to South Florida, I could extend myself to counsel a ‘very wealthy, very smart businessman who got himself into trouble for getting involved with a couple of underage girls who lied about their ages.’ I confess I did not recognize Jeffrey Epstein’s name at the time, but I knew what statutory rape was and I couldn’t understand why Ken Starr would be involved with him,” she wrote, adding, “It did not occur to me that he might have been part of the legal team that executed a secret and egregious sweetheart deal for the convicted pedophile or that the stickler for details I knew Starr to be might be grossly undercounting the victims in question.”
The Guardian got ahold of a copy of Brown’s forthcoming book, which goes into greater detail on Starr’s involvement. The “Perversion of Justice” excerpt says Starr waged a “scorched-earth” campaign to convince federal prosecutors to drop Epstein’s sex-trafficking case.
Epstein died in a Manhattan jail two years ago while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.
Read original story Clinton Prosecutor Ken Starr Was ‘Most Powerful Force’ in Jeffrey Epstein’s 2008 Plea Deal, New Book Says At TheWrap

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Secret US Involvement In Haiti - Gov't Secrets Ep. 48

Friday, July 2, 2021

Yemeni armed forces target military camp in Saudi town of al-Wadiah

Rumsfeld Dead & Cosby Released

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Thursday, July 1, 2021

LIVE Judge throws out millionaire's frivolous lawsuit aimed at bankrupti...