GANG OF COPS Called ‘The Executioners’ Under Investigation?
Ellen Corley
There are so many stories like this in Chicago and after working on it for years, I have figured out how the criminal Deep State works but have not figured out how to get past their ability to silence those who try to get the truth to an honest person in the Justice Department. This call by MaxineWaters may be the perfect way to start. We have to get a hearing on this since it is the Justice Department, CIA, Homeland Security that are running this Mafia state and they have used our entire Internet infrastructure which they have hacked with ultimate masterkey using software like Inslaw PROMIS which the Reagan Justice Department stole and gave themselves immunity for stealing and using in 1981 with the Reagan signed Executive Order 12333. Send this information to your Congressional and all representatives and give it to groups like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, NAACP, UNESCO, International Criminal Court, Human Rights Watch. America is a War Crime State and only we the people - especially the mothers of the wrongfully convicted and punished and tortured and murdered - can expose them. The best defense is a good offense. The prosecutors are the criminals and we must restore the Federal Honest Services Laws and enact the Citizens Protection Act and take away Prosecutors Absolute Immunity for prosecution and Police qualitfied immunity from prosecution. The corrupt legal counsels like Allan Dulles, Reinhard Gehlen, William Casey, Klaus Barbie, in the SS, OSS, OAS, SMOM, PilgrimsSociety, CFR, CIA, MI6, Mossad, NATO Gladio, US Justice Department and Supreme Court gave themselves this power to take over the world in violation of the Constitution and Universal Human Rights since they started substituting truth in intelligence and knowledge systems and history with deceptive Revisionist Zionist history in 1981 when Zionist Mossad Head Rafi Eitan, Jonathan Pollard, Earl Brian, were given the Inslaw PROMIS system and rigged it so as to cover their tracks - often by killing or otherwise silencing the messengers like Steve Kangas, Gary Webb, Michael Ruppert, Robert Parry, and others who dared to speak out like @OliverStone ever since. The evidence is easily uncoverable/ discoverable if there is a will to prosecute. The Clinton's Rose Law firm and powerful billionaire interest groups like Jackson Stevens, Earl Brian, Vince Foster, Rahm Emanuel, Richard Brennecke who financed the Clinton campaign used a system built off of the Wackenhut rigged Inslaw PROMIS system called Systematics to finance the campaign using covered up drugrunning of millions of dollars of cocaine into Mena Arkansas which was exposed by Iran Contra and Inslaw PROMIS investigators, Robert Parry, Lawrence Walsh, Danny Casolaro, Rodney Stich, Eliot Richardson, Gordon Thomas, Sherman Skulnick, David Wise, Steve Kangas, Mae Brussell, Alex Constantine, @OliverStone, @JamesdiEugenio.
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